





Customized solutions for each of your strategic objectives
Engaging my employees in the field/teleworking
Reach all employee profiles by offering communication customized to their working environment.
For"frontline workers", with no mailbox or fixed desk, communication needs to be mobile and adjusted to their situation in workspaces. Well-positioned screens, such as near the coffee machine in warehouses or in circulation areas, become key contact points, as do smartphones for workers on the move.
As for "knowledge workers", submerged by tools and information, internal communication screens in offices make it possible to push content to them without any action on their part: relevant information comes to them, even when teleworking through the broadcasting of your campaigns directly to their computer (integration with your Digital Workplace).

Involving and rewarding my employees
Involving employees in internal communications means making them players rather than spectators. To achieve this, it's essential toestablish a climate of trust and value their participation. The benefits are many, not least the transformation of employees into internal and external ambassadors.
Toput the spotlight on your employees, you can co-construct your internal communications strategy and content with them: surveys, interviews, competitions, campaigns on individual and collective successes, questionnaires... the possibilities are numerous and you'll be surprised at their involvement and proposals!
Communicate regularly and effectively about my corporate culture
Corporate culture is the cement for a real sense of belonging among employees in their workplace, so they're more involved and committed to the company's missions and objectives.
Byrelaying key information within the company (objectives, business news, performance indicators...) and embodying shared values, on-screen communication is an essential pillar in building a strong corporate culture and helps improve employee commitment.

Promote my employer brand
Employer branding is now an essential pillar of any company's global strategy, indispensable for prospering and remaining attractive in a complex and constantly evolving job market .
To meet e-reputation objectives, employer branding videos have thus become an essential format for attracting top talent. With a few shots of staff interviews or internal events such as seminars, you can create short, dynamic videos that will enable your candidates toread more about your company and project themselves into this environment.
Ensuring choreographed, consistent communication throughout my company
Ensuring charters and consistent communications across all channels and departments is a key challenge for companies. Harmonized communication reinforces brand identity and a sense of belonging, ensures clarity of message, and inspires confidence among all stakeholders - employees, customers and partners. To ensure this consistency, the use of pre-formatted content with templates designed in advance is an effective solution. These tools standardize visual and textual elements, while offering the flexibility to adapt to different contexts. In this way, every communication remains aligned with the company's image, whatever the support or department concerned.

Developing in-house training
Facilitate the onboarding of a new employee? Train on a new tool? Communicate on a new product feature? Develop new employee skills? In-house training has become an essential strategic investment. It accompanies your employees throughout their career with the company, enabling them to develop their skills and ensure a smooth flow of information. To meet this objective, the digitization of workspaces, in particular via video formats and optimized technical solutions, is a must.