4 videos you need to make to improve your company's culture

July 29, 2020

Videos are one of the most effective - if not the most effective - means of enhancing and promoting your organization's culture. Employee-generated video content will create a sense of community that humanizes your team members and gives everyone the opportunity to effectively communicate their thoughts, feelings, expertise and passions.

The important thing is not just to start this process, but to keep these communication channels open so that this content is always produced. A culture of open communication, authenticity and engagement will always lead to better business results. 

Here are 4 ideas for employee-generated videos that you should continuously produce to improve your company's culture:

1. Corporate culture

Create a script and video template to share what the company's culture and values mean to your employees. Do this two or three times a year, and ask the team to look at this topic to identify trends and see what has changed over the year.

Remember, defining your organization's culture shouldn't come from the management team or HR, but from everyone. It's the best and only way to find out how the team really feels.

2. New recruits

Ask each new recruit to make a short video to introduce themselves to the team. This is particularly important when you have a remote or hybrid team, where people won't be able to get to know new employees in the corridors or around the water cooler.

Ask them to talk about their background, why they decided to join the company and what they expect from their new role. Encourage them to be themselves, so they feel welcome!

3. Informal discussions with management

A recurring video from a member of the executive team that is informal and relaxed will be well received by the team. Call it something like "Coffee with the CEO" and let him share what's going on in the company each week. It's a great opportunity for people in the organization to understand the company's successes, challenges, goals and vision, which they probably don't often get through other means.

Ces vidéos aident à briser les barrières qui pourraient exister et humanisent le leader, surtout dans une grande organisation. Le PDG peut paraître plus accessible et conversationnel, au lieu d’être simplement un nom dans un e-mail d’entreprise.

4. Frequently asked questions

Give your employees a platform, almost like a suggestion box, to ask questions, propose new ideas or challenge a thought process within the organization. It's a simple, structured way to create employee-generated content, and it can lead to some incredible ideas coming to the fore.

Encouragez vos employés à dire : « Hé, nous faisons cela de cette façon depuis si longtemps. Je pense qu'il y a une meilleure manière de le faire. Voici ma solution. Qu'en pense tout le monde ? » 

And look what happens!

These are four excellent examples, but keep in mind that there are literally hundreds of thousands of different videos you could make depending on the corporate narrative you want to communicate. These four examples are a great place to start because they focus solely on encapsulating your organization's DNA and culture, and the importance of giving everyone a voice.

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