During the course of a working day, whether on the premises, in the field or working from home, employees are likely to have informal conversations. These conversations are neither supervised nor official, and may concern subjects other than their professional activity. Although they can sometimes provoke mistrust on the part of some management teams, informal discussions are a real asset for companies. Find out why formal and informal communication should coexist, and what are the advantages of informal communication in business.
What is informal communication?
Informal communication in the workplace refers to relaxed, "off-the-record" verbal or written exchanges between employees during working hours. It is the opposite of formal exchanges, which are shared in an official, structured and stricter way.
During a lunch break or over a cup of coffee, for example, informal, spontaneous conversations concern both personal and professional life, and fall outside any hierarchical or official framework. They are natural interactions, taking place in a context of everyday social relations.
What are the advantages of informal communication in the workplace?
While some managers might like to minimize informal exchanges during working hours, it is neither possible nor desirable to work towards their disappearance. It's an essential and beneficial form of dialogue for companies, which they would be wrong to do without.
It promotes a good working atmosphere
In France in 2021, employees spent an average of 36.9 hours a week at work, or 1,567 hours over the year. A large part of their time is therefore dedicated to work. While it's important to be efficient and productive, this doesn't exclude the possibility of having relaxed exchanges during the day to make them more enjoyable. When an employee sits down at his or her desk in the morning, or during the coffee break, informal exchanges encourage a good mood, helping to create a friendly, warm and motivating professional environment.
It participates in the circulation of information
The advantages of informal communication in the workplace can be seen in the way messages are transmitted and remembered. Informal exchanges are based on processes of repetition, which make information comprehensible and memorable. They also enable everyone to freely express an opinion during a discussion. Thanks to informal exchanges, executives and managers can directly assess the impact of announcements on their teams and gather feedback. Last but not least, informal exchanges are a useful early-warning system, enabling us to react and adapt more quickly.
It strengthens the sense of cohesion
Informal exchanges create bonds and maintain a form of solidarity that reinforces employees' sense of belonging. Each employee feels part of the group, fostering united, cohesive and committed teams. Freer and more human, this form of informal dialogue encourages employees to express themselves about the difficulties they encounter, so that solutions can be found collectively. It also tends to boost motivation tenfold, thanks to the virtuous effect of sharing and cooperation.
It defuses tensions
Informal communication is a genuine management tool, effective in defusing tensions, questions and complications. It allows people to express themselves more openly and democratically, thereby contributing to rapid problem resolution. By communicating more freely, employees can easily clear up misunderstandings and misunderstandings before they become too serious. As a result, teams can move forward more quickly once conflicts have been resolved.
The internal communications software that facilitates strategic and informal corporate communication
With the rise of telecommuting, informal exchanges in the workplace have tended to diminish. Without team lunch breaks or a few minutes' relaxation over a cup of coffee, employees have missed out on these moments that are essential to their well-being and that of the company. Yet it is vital to encourage the continuity of these exchanges by recreating spaces dedicated to them, in order to maintain a positive climate and avoid the potential isolation of certain employees.
To encourage informal long-distance dialogue, companies need to provide a framework for these useful bonding moments. They need to promote and facilitate them, notably through the use ofappropriate tools such as instant communication tools.
Videoconferencing software lets you recreate breaks between colleagues in a virtual way, leaving room for informal conversations and promoting the inclusion of all employees, even at a distance. Corporate social networks are interesting because they create different formal and informal discussion threads, enabling employees to exchange views on topical issues, for example.
Internal communications software is also a powerful tool for meeting cohesion challenges. They maintain the framework for both formal communications and informal exchanges, inside and outside company walls.
The Cenareo solution provides continuity for both on-site and teleworking employees, who can :
- Break isolation and interact freely, efficiently and instantly;
- Take advantage of informal exchange spaces when on the move;
- Be part of informed, committed, productive and close-knit teams;
- Share new, more engaging and inclusive communication experiences.
Thanks to these platforms, employees can disconnect from work for a while, while enjoying greater cohesion with their peers. Invite your staff to a cross-team afterwork, celebrate a birthday or share surveys to gather feedback and improve quality of life at work. Integrated into the company's digital workplace, Cenareo internal communication software lets you enjoy all the benefits of informal business communication virtually.