The impact of communication screens on the memorization of context-related messages

March 13, 2023

Recent discoveries in neuroscience have shown that informative or emotional advertising is 27% to 40% more memorable when contextualized, i.e. associated with an environment, messages or themes. Discover the impact of communication screens in terms of message memorization linked to context, as well as the impact of neuroscience on digital signage.


What are neurosciences?

Neuroscience encompasses all the sciences concerned with the study of the nervous system. They analyze the structure and function of the brain, spinal cord and nerves, at different scales. Their scope covers a wide range of disciplines, including neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, neurology, neurophysiology, neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. These fields of study are classified into five main categories:

  • Biological sciences;
  • Cognitive science;
  • Medical sciences;
  • Neuroscience engineering and technology;
  • Recent disciplines.

The neurosciences are all concerned with understanding brain development, nervous system diseases and mental disorders. Cognitive neuroscience also attempts to explain the neurobiological mechanisms underlying cognition in terms of emotions, memory, perception and reasoning, applied to fields as varied as finance and marketing.


Why use neuroscience in digital signage?

According to studies carried out by neuroscientist António Rosa Damásio and Martint Lindtsröm, marketing expert and author of the best-selling "Buyology" on why consumers buy, humans are primarily guided by their emotions. According to Lindtsröm, 85% of customer behavior is dictated by subconscious feelings or thoughts. His conclusions are in line with numerous studies carried out over the last few decades into how the human brain reacts to stimuli. These studies all point to the fact that our decisions and our ability to memorize are irrational and unconscious.

Brands have come to appreciate the importance of neuroscience to the effectiveness of their campaigns, since their aim is to get a message into people's minds so that it is remembered, but above all associated with positive feelings. Today, cognitive neuroscience has become strategic in the fields of marketing and communication, in order to improve the emotional and memory penetration of digital signage campaigns to seduce consumers. Cognitive neuroscience offers even more advantages for maximizing the performance ofdigital signage:

  • Understanding consumer expectations;
  • Detection of markers to be exploited ;
  • Creating messages that encourage memorization ;
  • Optimizing media investments ;
  • Imbuing brand image with audiences ;
  • Increased sales.

The link between screens, memorization and context

The largest neuroscience study was conducted by the Neuro-Insight neuroscience research institute for the Outdoor Media Association in Melbourne. The institute employed eye-tracking and brain imaging technologies on more than 2,000 participants to analyze the neural response of their brains when exposed to advertising. The study involved the viewing of over 800 traditional and digital advertising panels, and revealed that communications broadcast on outdoor digital screens had 63% more impact thanstatic billboards, radio or television.

At the same time, Integral Ad Science published "The Context Effect", a study also conducted with the Neuro-Insight Institute, on the importance of context in advertising. The aim of the research was to analyze consumers' brain activity when confronted with context-sensitive advertising. It showed that viewers reacted significantly to messages broadcast in appropriate contexts - an advert for a new restaurant menu close to an article on the subject - and that this correspondence increased recall by up to 40%.

This research has provided vital scientific evidence on the impact of digital communication screens and the importance of the broadcasting context on memorization. They are all the more interesting for communications and marketing professionals since the announcement of the launch of Google's Privacy Sandbox, which aims to eliminate third-party cookies by 2024. With this initiative, the search engine is putting an end to widely-used digital targeting methods, and calling for alternative solutions to improve the impact of advertising messages on audiences, in order to elicit a lasting emotional response, without undermining the confidentiality of user data.


The link between DOOH and message recall

In an omnichannel strategy, Digital-Out-Of-Home has become an essential lever for reaching a target in the right place, at the right time, with the right message. A study conducted by Club Digital Media and published in 2022 demonstrated that the appeal of screens has a direct impact on the memorability of advertising messages. Out of 611 visitors surveyed, more than one in five recalled an ad shown on a digital screen during their visit to a shopping center, while the proportion of digital screens was lower than that of static screens.

It's a proven fact that moving images enhance the impact of DOOH, as does the brightness of screens. But it's also the physical presence of screens in consumers' daily lives that optimizes the effectiveness of the messages they broadcast. In this way, communicators can enhance their strategy by multiplying their points of contact with DOOH, so as to be as close as possible to their audience at every moment of the day.


With Cenareo, DOOH becomes a major means of brand appeal. Cenareo's intuitive, feature-rich solution foroutdoor digital signage enables companies to broadcast varied, engaging, contextualized and relevant multimedia content in real time, in a fully centralized and automated way. Highlight your brand image by capturing consumers' attention with formats adapted to the moment when they are most receptive, in order to create emotion, leave a lasting impression and provoke the desire to buy.


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