The digital transformation of deskless workers


The Internet has profoundly revolutionized the way companies communicate, cooperate and work, by connecting all their employees. However, many companies face a major challenge in the course of their digital transformation: how to connect all their deskless employees. The category of workers present in the field is often left out in the cold, for want of an e-mail address or a fixed office. At a time when the digital workplace has become an essential element in boosting productivity, companies have no choice but to involve all their employees through digital means. Find out how to better connect your deskless profiles and take your company's organization to the next level.


What is a deskless worker?

The term deskless worker refers to employees without a physical office or address email, as their profession does not require it. In certain key economic sectors, such as education, industry, commerce, agriculture or healthcare, it is common to find a high rate of deskless employees. Many employees in these sectors have no access to communication tools and information, despite their vital role in the organization. As a simple e-mail address is usually enough of an entry pass to the day-to-day tools needed to circulate information and foster internal cohesion, they find themselves disconnected from the collective dynamic.


What are the advantages of connecting deskless workers?

Connecting deskless employees meets real collaborative challenges. Despite their significant representation within companies, they are often cut off from the day-to-day running of the business. This disconnection gives rise to a number of operational difficulties, such as :

  • Information circulation and awareness are limited, and feedback from the field to offices and managers is not facilitated;
  • The sharing of knowledge and feedback between employees is not encouraged and is therefore almost non-existent;
  • The impact is real and damaging on motivation and a sense of belonging, leading to a feeling of being left out and frustration;
  • Productivity is impacted by lack of access to tools that facilitate information transmission, note-taking, etc.

Connecting all deskless employees via technological tools would provide concrete solutions to these problems, enabling them to communicate better, share better and improve working conditions for all. Connecting deskless workers is the first essential step in the digitalization of companies to :

  • More proximity for better management: the circulation of information in all departments strengthens cohesion, increases the sense of belonging tenfold, promotes individual initiative and combats staff turnover;
  • Offer an equal level of information to all: ensuring that the latest company news is circulated helps to consolidate the community spirit;
  • Promoting exchanges to improve cooperation and innovation: deskless workers can help each other, participate and follow projects with the whole team. They are encouraged to express themselves, contribute their ideas and provide feedback;
  • Promote connected mobility: deskless workers can access their dematerialized work environment, internal documents and tools from any device, anywhere, anytime.

It's by connecting all the trades represented in the organization that companies give themselves the means to succeed in their digital transformation.


How to succeed in your digital transformation by integrating deskless workers

The integration of deskless employees remains the number 1 priority for any company wishing to carry out its digital transformation. In an age when access to information is paramount, this means investing in internal communications and integrating all employees into the digital workplace. Collaboration and interactivity are key to a company's competitiveness and development, and even a prerequisite for its long-term survival. This observation leads us to consider the installation of communication screens as an efficient and profitable development opportunity, to federate and integrate all the employees of an entity.


The screen park connects employees in the office and in the field, for maximum impact: deskless employees can access information and internal communication tools, and are encouraged to collaborate by feeding back vital data. The high level of interactivity on these screens increases commitment tenfold, attracting attention so that we can work together more effectively. The disadvantages of deskless employees ' mobility can be optimized through the use of mobile applications, so that they are constantly connected to the company's digital workplace and internal communication campaigns.

deskless workers

These ergonomic, portable and innovative communication channels enable users to collaborate more easily and get closer to their teams. Cenareo and its dedicateddigital signage management system, coupled with its Cenareo Flex application, are deployed instinctively throughout the organization, providing instant, automatic and centralized access to the digital workplace. As a genuine means of interconnecting all the company's tools and members, they increase and encourage interaction by capturing the attention of teams. The Cenareo multi-channel solution enables you to manage your screen fleet and relay information to your employees' digital workplace, so that they are all involved in the company's digitalization process.

Engage all your employees with tailor-made communication thanks to digital signage and Cenareo Flex. Share and distribute engaging, relevant content in real time, on your screens or mobile devices, at service .

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