The choice of communication channels is a crucial strategic factor in developing a company's reputation. Whether it's a question of increasing visibility, enhancing brand image or announcing a new product launch, the message must be conveyed to the right target at the right time. But how can you avoid getting lost in the diversity of channels available, and above all, how can you choose the best solution for your objectives? Should a communications plan focus on media or non-media communication? Make the right choice with this overview of the different solutions available.
What's the difference between media and non-media communications?
Media communication relies on traditional advertising tools and the Internet. Its strength lies in its ability to disseminate a message on a large scale, reaching a variety of targets in record time. However, its effect is limited in time, and its cost is high.
That's why non-media means of communication need to be used to make up for the shortcomings of media solutions.
These include all the direct communication techniques used to make a real impact on a specific target. They significantly improve company results and their effects are more easily measurable, but require ongoing monitoring and investment.
Media and non-media supports complement each other perfectly, adapting to the company's objectives and the target audience's consumption habits.
The different media communication supports
Traditional media are designed to reach as many people as possible in a short space of time; they are numerous and meet a variety of objectives:
- The press;
- Television;
- Radio;
- Cinema;
- Blogs ;
- The podcast;
- Live streams ;
- Targeted advertising;
- The video ;
- Static display.
Non-media communication tools
Non-media communication supports include marketing direct actions, which enable you to target your audience precisely, for immediate effects on sales. These include :
- Print tools: catalogs, brochures, flyers, business cards, stationery;
- A presence at trade fairs;
- POS (point-of-sale advertising) and POS (point-of-sale information);
- Kakemonos ;
- Advertising on company vehicles ;
- Goodies ;
- Website and social networks;
- Direct contacts (phone calls, emailing or SMS campaigns, etc.).
Digital signage, a hybrid support
Theadvantage of digitalsignage is that it combines the capabilities of media communication - i.e. the ability to reach as many people as possible quickly - with those of non-media communication.
It enables targeted campaigns to be broadcast, and offers a unique experience for users, who are presented with a contextualized and attractive message. Thanks to its centralized management system, the Cenareo digital signage solution enables content to be broadcast in real time to itsadvertising displays. A true link between the digital and physical worlds, it enables the delivery of customized campaigns with high ROI.
How do you choose your communication channels?
The right communication channel is the one that will reach the right audience. It's vital to know your target audience and its habits, so you can deliver a message where it's most likely to be received.
Defining objectives
What are the real reasons for communicating? To inform, promote, react or seduce? Based on these reasons, it will be easier to determine the objectives that will condition actions and the choice of communication channels.
Know your target
Knowing your core target audience remains THE essential prerequisite for a successful communications campaign. Defining and understanding your audience helps you mobilize the best channels to reach them.
Resources to use
Knowing your audience will reveal which media to favor, which in turn will lead to the establishment of a retroplanning schedule, a provisional budget and the tools and techniques to use.
Drawing up a communication plan
The aim of a communication plan is to create an ecosystem in which media and non-media supports work in synergy, to increase their productivity tenfold and maintain a coherent brand platform that governs the company's editorial line and graphic charter. It will also help define the right performance indicators, which assess the effectiveness of the campaign in relation to each channel.
And what better way of maximizing the results of your communication campaigns than by equipping yourself with the best tools? Take advantage of in-store or in-company digital signage, an innovative channel at service to boost your company's performance and competitiveness. The Cenareo digital signage management system enables you to create, manage and instantly broadcast unique, immersive campaigns on your screens. Cenareo offers you personalized support at service for effective, high-impact communication with high ROI potential.
Media and non-media communication: Choosing the best means for your business
Media and non-media communications play an essential role in the development of a company and the establishment of its reputation. When it comes to choosing the best means of communication, it's important to take into account various aspects such as reach, cost and effectiveness in achieving set objectives.
Media communication: Spreading a message on a large scale
Media communication is based on traditional advertising tools as well as the Internet. Thanks to its ability to reach a large audience in a relatively short space of time, it can be used to disseminate a message on a large scale. However, it has limitations in terms of impact duration and can be costly. This is where non-media communication comes in, to compensate for any shortcomings of traditional media.
Non-media communication: A direct and measurable impact
Non-media means of communication encompass a range of direct communication techniques, enabling us to make a real impact on a specific target. These techniques significantly improve a company's results and offer more easily measurable effects. However, they require ongoing monitoring and investment.
Combine digital and physical levers to maximize impact
To maximize the impact and targeting of different target audiences, it's also essential to combine digital levers with physical media. An omnichannel presence, both digital and physical, makes it possible to reach customers in a more personalized and direct way. By working in a segmented way, based on demographic data such as age, social origin, gender and preferences of personas, it is possible to propose an offer that is more relevant and adapted to their geographical context.
Non-media communication solutions for contact direct contact with customers
The use of media such as street marketing, advertising mail, marketing direct, marketing events and sales promotion, enhances the effectiveness of non-media communication. These local actions offer a contact direct link with customers, by getting closer to their homes and entering their private lives.
Digital signage: a hybrid support for targeted campaigns
Digital signage represents a support hybrid, combining the advantages of both media and non-media communication. It enables targeted campaigns to be broadcast, and offers a unique user experience with a contextualized, attractive message. Thanks to solutions such as the one developed by Cenareo, offering a centralized management system for advertising displays, it is possible to deliver content in real time and personalize campaigns for optimum return on investment.
Communication strategy: Define objectives, know your target and mobilize resources
So, to choose the most appropriate communication channels, it's essential to define your communication objectives, know your target and its uses, mobilize the appropriate resources and draw up a coherent communication plan. By strategically combining media and non-media supports, it is possible to maximize the effectiveness of campaigns and achieve convincing results. By opting for tools such as digital signage, companies can strengthen their communications, create impactful campaigns and achieve a high potential return on investment.
Complementarity and advantages of media and non-media communication
In conclusion, media and non-media communication are complementary and essential to achieving a company's communication objectives. By using different media and adopting an omnichannel approach, it is possible to optimize targeting, personalize messages and achieve significant competitive advantages. Companies can rely on agencies specializing in the creation of non-media campaigns, using media such as digital signage, to maximize the impact of their communication and reach their audiences in an effective and relevant way.