Eco-responsible billboards: adopt greener advertising!

December 5, 2023

Advertising remains an indispensable growth and development lever for all companies. But communicating, particularly through poster campaigns, has an environmental cost. Limit the carbon footprint and pollution associated with conventional billboard advertising, and discover the alternatives available to you for more sustainable, high-impact marketing!


The environmental cost of conventional display

Conventional signage is omnipresent in our society. It can take many forms and use a variety of media: 

  • 4x3 posters in urban areas and on main roads;
  • Advertising on street furniture and in public transport;
  • Advertising in shopping malls, stores and places open to the public;
  • Signage dedicated to internal communication (posters in offices and premises);
  • etc.

Thousands of advertisements are printed every day in France, in all formats, with a heavy environmental cost.


A direct impact on the environment

Pulp production relies on the use of chlorine, caustic acids and solvents. Chemicals are also used during conversion and shaping: methanol, caustic soda, peracetic acid, sulfuric acid, resins, hydrogen sulfide... Enormous progress has been made over the last few decades to limit the discharge of pollutants into the environment. Although the paper industry is more sustainable, the risks still exist.


Paper and poster production also generate greenhouse gases: 

  1. Raw materials production ;
  2. Routing raw materials to the factory ;
  3. Pulp production ;
  4. Transport from factory to printer ;
  5. Poster printing ;
  6. Transporting the poster to the venue ;
  7. Collection from poster to waste collection center ;
  8. Waste management or recycling.


Like many other human activities, conventional paper-based signage contributes to climate change and soil and air pollution. PVC panels, as an alternative to paper, also present strong environmental obstacles.


Go for eco-responsible conventional signage

Would you like to adopt a more environmentally-friendly approach? Paper can be part of an eco-responsible signage strategy, provided you choose your suppliers carefully.


Wood is the raw material for paper, but you can reduce your environmental impact by turning to : 

  • paper made from wood from sustainably managed forests ;
  • recycled paper to reduce pressure on natural resources

You can also choose printers who use natural inks, which are more respectful of nature. Several labels enable you to identify the most virtuous players in the industry: 

  • The FSC® label informs you that the wood used to make the paper comes from forests managed according to environmental and social criteria;
  • The PEFC label guarantees that the product comes from responsible sources;
  • The European Ecolabel assures you that a finished product respects precise environmental qualities;
  • The Imprim'vert® label is awarded to printers who meet strict specifications.


You don't want to do without paper for your signage? Choosing labelled and committed suppliers will enable you to adopt an eco-responsible approach.


Digital signage, an ecological and high-performance alternative

The best alternative to conventional paper-based signage , digital signage involves broadcasting your messages on screens positioned in strategic locations for your communication. They can be installed in store windows, in shopping malls, in retail outlets, on company premises or outdoors.


The benefits of digital signage

Digital signage offers many advantages over conventional signage.


You get total flexibility over the messages you broadcast. With digital signage software, you can rely on more impactful, immersive multimedia content. You can broadcast videos, images, banners and live content streams to the screens of your choice, and customize the display on each screen. You can easily communicate on events, promotions, product launches or sales animations.


Real-time targeting also contributes to the success of digital signage solutions. You can automatically personalize messages based on weather conditions, or even the audience in the vicinity of a screen at any given moment. Facial detection makes it possible to estimate the gender or age of people in the screen's perception zone, and personalize the message broadcast: for example, you can automatically push offers for women's clothing if women are in the majority around the screen.


The cost of content creation is very affordable with digital signage, and you can use templates to quickly create new presentations, images or videos. What's more, mistakes can be made: when a typo requires the reprinting of all the posters in your advertising campaign, it only takes a few minutes to make the correction, which is immediately displayed on all screens.


Logistics management is non-existent: everything goes through the screen! You don't have to manage the delivery and installation of new posters, and you don't have to worry about the multiplication of advertising formats. Each screen becomes an advertising panel, whose content is renewed remotely. By entrusting Cenareo with the management of your screen fleet, you benefit from an availability rate close to 100% for fully delegated management.


Performance indicators can be tracked more easily with digital signage. Solutions exist, for example, to precisely measure Reach, which corresponds to the number of people who have seen a message over a given period of time. You can measure the performance of each screen or of a fleet of screens on a given site, by analyzing the correlation between the broadcast of an ad and the progression of sales.


Eco-responsible digital signage

Digital signage also has an ecological cost, from the production and recycling of screens to the energy consumed in their operation. Simple solutions can help you reduce your carbon footprint: digital signage is part of an eco-friendly, eco-responsible approach.


Your choice of hardware may be dictated by environmental considerations. Labels are available to identify the most ecological and energy-efficient screens: 

  • The energy label displayed on any electronic product tells you about the screen's energy consumption. You can opt for an A class to reduce your impact.
  • The TCO label incorporates ergonomic, environmental, energy-saving and electromagnetic emission criteria.
  • The EPEAT label is concerned with energy consumption, the absence of hazardous substances and the lifespan of the equipment.

Other labels and initiatives are proposed by institutional or private players, such as the Ange Bleu label or the Nordic Swan label. By choosing label-certified screens, you're adopting a more sustainable device that reduces your ecological footprint.


Your use of digital signage can also be part of an eco-responsible approach.

The first simple tip for saving energy and protecting the environment is to turn off screens at night or outside business hours.

You can also opt for a green electricity contract. All energy suppliers now offer this type of deal, and some have specialized in this market, such as Ilek and Enercoop. In this way, you can limit the environmental impact of your energy consumption, not only for your digital signage, but for all your installations.


Go green with Cenareo!

Cenareo offers an intuitive digital signage solution that can be deployed on screens of all sizes. We help you maximize the impact of your communications.

Would you like to adopt a new generation of eco-responsible signage? Ask for a demonstration! We'll take stock of your needs, and define a personalized approach tailored to your project.



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