Digital signage for franchises and point-of-sale networks

September 4, 2018

The importance of consistent brand image throughout your network...

A network operator delegates to its affiliates the task of communicating its identity to consumers. But how do you ensure control and its proper use? To answer this question, it is essential to look at the issue of point-of-sale communication.

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Point-of-sale communication, a brand image tool

Brand perception, i.e. brand image, is a belief system that enables the consumer to make the brand a benchmark: this brand meets such and such a level of quality, price or experience. If this perception remains stable and is shared by all consumers, the brand is reliable.

But if the image is not consistent from one point of sale to the next, this can lead to a loss of reference points, and therefore of customer confidence.

The in-store customer experience is an essential component of brand image. One of the pillars of the experience is communication at the point of sale: where/how can I get information about the product/brand/offer? What is the quality of this information and its content?

Franchisors and network managers struggle to master in-store communication

A brand is managed at global level, but franchisees and sales outlets are its local relays.

While in-store communication campaigns and tone must be consistent, there's a real opportunity to let the franchisee or affiliate speak for themselves. In fact, they know their local target better, master its specificities, and can thus animate their point of sale, guarantee that information is always up to date and demonstrate flexibility. However, franchisees and outlet managers don't necessarily have the tools to create, distribute and update their communications. As a result, due to lack of time or resources, local publicity initiatives are abandoned, or not exploited to their full potential.

It's also worth pointing out that it's difficult for head office to manage global campaigns across the entire network, due to a lack of visibility on actions carried out in stores. This lack of visibility also makes it difficult to provide advice and support for local initiatives.

Digital signage: mastering communication and generating local opportunities

Digital signage makes it possible to remotely manage and distribute content across an entire fleet of screens.

Combining national communications with the specific local features of sales outlets

Managing national or regional campaigns

By deploying a centralized, remote communication system common to all its points of sale, the network manager can ensure the distribution of campaigns across his entire network. In addition to perfectly synchronizing the time parameters of his campaign, he can manage the location parameters through a fleet segmentation system. They remain in control of the distribution criteria for their communications.

In addition to making messages consistent between points of sale, digital signage, managed in SaaS mode, makes them consistent across all communication channels. Web campaigns and flash e-mail promotions, even for short periods, can be relayed and programmed synchronously across all stores.

Collaborative management: balanced screen sharing

Collaborative management of the screen fleet, via the allocation of voice shares, enables the different players to ensure that their messages coexist. The franchisee must be able to address his customers according to their habits, regional specificities, or even according to stocks of merchandise or special operations. However, letting go does not mean losing control of brand identity: since a management platform is a centralized tool, the content disseminated remains visible to the administrators.

Easy to use

It's essential to offer solution in terms of both organization and ease of use: it has to be easy to get to grips with, whether it's managing a single screen for a non-communicator, or deploying campaigns across the entire fleet.

Connected displays: a single tool for different communication objectives

Digital signage is a tool for standardizing communication between different physical points of sale, as well as between different channels. As such, it can form part of an omnichannel, homogeneous communication strategy that nonetheless leaves room for personalization. It's a flexible and unique support communication tool, which can be used for a variety of communication objectives: promotional content, corporate content, product information, etc., depending on the need.

Digital signage in SaaS mode, a tool for consistent communication

Digital signage is the ideal tool for keeping control of your in-store communication, while at the same time giving franchisees and managers the opportunity to win over their targets. With your communication under control, you benefit from a uniform brand image that enhances the value of your brand, not only for consumers, but also for franchisees and future franchisees.


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Discover the example of
Eurorepar Car Services garages, who have optimized local communication at their outlets using digital signage.. They have included communication screens in their 360° communication strategy, enabling them to relay the power of their national brand more effectively, to the benefit of all garages.


Cenareo offers a solution digital signage solution offering powerful possibilities, yet extremely easy to use.

If you have a digital signage project, ask for a demonstration.


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