Free digital signage : Easy content creation

April 17, 2021

Need a little help creating content for your free digital signage? This article discusses the elements you need to take into account when planning your various campaigns, and introduces some free tools you can use to create content without the help of a graphic designer: text, images, presentations and videos.


Votre affichage sur écrans se doit d'être lisible et dynamique pour attirer l'attention de votre cible et l'intéresser. Pour un affichage dynamique gratuit de qualité, il est important de bien maîtriser les bases de la communication sur écrans et de connaître les bons outils gratuits à votre disposition. Votre logiciel d'affichage dynamique vous offre surement la possibilité de créer des vidéos facilement à l'aide de template, néanmoins il vous faut aussi trouver les bonnes sources d'images et de vidéos gratuites et libres de droit.


The success of your display depends on your content

To create a professional digital signage display you'll obviously needquality screens and an easy-to-use content management system. But the attention your audience will pay to the message you want to get across will depend solely on the message itself.

However, creating one can seem difficult, especially if your budget doesn't allow you to call on the services of a graphic designer or agency. But don't panic! By following a few simple rules and using the right tools, you can create eye-catching content much more easily than you might think.

→ If you're new to digital signage and content creation, check out this article on the ABCs of creating visuals for screens.



Give visibility to your digital signage content

First and foremost, make sure your content is easily visible. Make sure your screens are at the right height, not obscured by a pole or store furniture, and that the chosen location is not too bright.

→ Here are all our tips about choosing the right location for your screens.

  • If you're using text, check that the font and font size you're using make it easy to read your message, despite the distance between the audience and the screen.
  • In the case of a video, will the audience take the time to watch it in its entirety? If your target audience is waiting in line or in a waiting room, you have a little more time(1 minute maximum). On the other hand, for a window display, opt for eye-catching content for immediate immersion(10 to 20 seconds).


Simplicity and efficiency for your free digital signage content

Having too much text on the screen can give a cluttered and confusing impression. Instead, invite your audience to come and meet your team and have a chat, or visit your website to find out more. You don't have to cram everything into your content.

Simplicity also applies to fonts and colors: don't use too many. If you don't have a graphic charter, set yourself some limits. Imagine a color palette that matches what you want to convey. Would you prefer bright primary colors? Relaxing natural colors? Or deep blacks or grays?

→ To make your visuals more striking and harmonious, you can use some photography rules that the PetaPixel site summarizes.

simple digital signage content

Update your content frequently

Make sure you have enough content on your screen so that you don't bore your audience by playing the same message over and over again. If you can't find enough, you can add dynamic feeds from external data (weather forecasts, social networks, traffic).



→ Reminder of the rule of three in digital signage: content, container and context !


Free content creation tools at your disposal

➡️ Sourcing images

La recherche de nouvelles images est un défi au quotidien pour les professionnels du marketing. Les prises de vues sont chères, mais de nombreuses banques d'images vous permettent de télécharger gratuitement des images libres de droits ou des images sous licence. Vérifiez toujours les règles d'utilisation des images (à des fins commerciales, éditoriales etc.) et si vous devez créditer le photographe. Voici quelques-unes de nos banques d'images préférées :


➡️ Video creation

Canva is a graphic design tool with an intuitive "Drag & Drop" interface and hundreds of templates to use. Our tips for using Canva : 

  • To create content suitable for digital signage, use "presentation" or "video" templates.
  • You can use the"Animate" tool to give movement to your texts and make a simple presentation dynamic.
  • The ratio should always be that of your screen: 16:9 or 1920x1080 (or 1080x1920, depending on your screen's portrait or landscape orientation).
  • Hundreds of fonts are available, as well as a large library of images and videos (not all free). 
Canva for digital signage content

Lumen 5 est un outil de création vidéo pensé pour transformer du contenu écrit statique (article de blog, brochure produit) en vidéo. Le logiciel extrait des phrases clés et les superpose à vos propres séquences vidéo ou à des séquences libres de droits. Si vous entrez le lien d'un article, Lumen 5 récupère automatiquement le contenu associé et remplit votre storyboard. Si votre contenu est hors-ligne, copiez-collez-le directement dans l'outil de montage vidéo. Lumen 5 comprend une banque de vidéos, d'images et de pistes audio libres de droits. La version gratuite vous permet de créer 5 vidéos par mois, et les versions payantes sont disponibles à partir de 19 $ par mois.

→ In addition, here are 5 tips for creating effective (and profitable) videos for your screens.

Lumen5 video for for digital signage

Other useful tools :




Cenareo propose une solution d’affichage dynamique intuitive, évolutive et parfaitement adaptée aux besoins des professionnels de la communication. Découvrez notre logiciel d’affichage dynamique.

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