The major challenges facing internal HR communications in 2022

January 3, 2022

Home-office, telecommuting, videoconferencing: the world of work has undergone undeniable change in recent years. And even today, the situation calls for constant flexibility in company organization. All professions have been affected, including internal communications and human resources. In a pivotal period that often marks the end of the year's activity, when internal communication actions, events and seminars can be cancelled, it remains essential to reinvent oneself. So, what will be the challenges facing HR internal communicationsdepartments and managers in 2022? Answer.


The central role of human resources in business

The HR department or manager acts as a true spokesperson. They are the guarantors of exchange and internal communication within the company, and of information sharing between employees and management. But how can they succeed in this mission when contact is reduced and digitalization replaces the usual codes? When teams operate on a half-gauge basis? How do you support the digital transition and the associated changes? These are the questions HR departments will have to face in the coming year.


Future HR issues and concerns

How can we recreate a sense of unity at a time when jobs are being digitized, links are being closed and teleworking is becoming widespread? In 2022, it's all about creativity! Human resources will be looking to innovate by getting employees more involved, and engagement will become the key word. All internal HR communications will have to be meaningful and carry a strong message, while taking into account the current context. It is essential to integrate digital actions that can enhance the value of employees and restructure ties. Theemployee experience is thus making its grand appearance. This is THE major challenge. The aim is to reach all employees, whether they are new recruits, former employees or not connected to the company. So, how can we successfully develop the employee experience? Here are three main avenues to explore.

Supporting employees

All exchanges between HR, employees and managers must be facilitated, even at a distance. Of course, everyone needs to benefit from the best services and feel supported by the company. It's the issue of isolation that needs to be tackled. For this, in addition to maximizing follow-up, it is essential to provide feedback so that employees can indicate their expectations in real time. Collaborative platforms and intranets are good options for achieving this.

Dusting off onboarding

How do you recruit today? How do you integrate a new employee into a department that works partly from home? How do you transmit corporate values from a distance? All these points will be the subject of joint reflection within companies. There's no question of missing out on this decisive step in the HR circuit. The whole process will need to be constantly updated, in order to make it more dynamic and offer a better welcome to talent, while capitalizing on their qualities.

Developing your employer brand

Employer branding covers all aspects of human resources management, recruitment policy and employee career development. The better the employer brand is deployed, the more it attracts qualified and varied profiles. This is a key factor in enhancing a company's image, both internally and externally.

Amazon has turned this into a selling point. The company has publicized its commitments on a national scale through employee portraits. Constructed as a series of mini-documentaries, the "Meeting the Moment" campaign takes a behind-the-scenes look at the Group. Above all, it focuses on a number of key areas: career development opportunities, inclusion, diversity, professional retraining, employee protection and more. It's not for nothing that the web giant has taken up this practice... Above all, it testifies to the major importance of the employer brand and why it needs to be nurtured.

Support, onboarding and commitment are the three pillars of a good employee experience. 2022 is the ideal time to assert this.


5 tips for boosting internal HR communications in 2022

What methods should you use to energize your internal HR communications in 2022? Discover our advice on how to put the employee experience at the heart of your strategy.

Capitalize on existing tools

Content is the best way to get a message across to everyone effectively. So think about maximizing the tools you already have in place (in-house newsletter, intranet, corporate social networks) by seeking to make them more effective. As brands do for their external communications, why not deploy a content strategy? Consistently disseminate information according to an editorial line and precise objectives.

Encouraging employee commitment

The challenge is to implement levers whose main actor is the employee himself. How can we do this? By taking their expectations and needs into consideration, so that they can express their full potential (creation of workshops, co-construction workshops, etc.).

Diversify digital communication initiatives

Ensure smooth internal HR communication by choosing hybrid formats such as webinars or masterclasses, whose topics will stimulate your employees. You can also opt for video formats, which are much more effective than long speeches.


Propelled by containment, gamification has multiple advantages. It makes it possible to convey messages that are sometimes rather complex, by simplifying them. For training, recruitment, prevention or employee commitment: here's a fun, digital-friendly tool that strengthens team cohesion.

Making physical and mental health a priority

The mental health of employees at work can be disrupted by teleworking. Listening, coaching, sports sessions, provision of equipment: internal HR communication in 2022 has a role to play in contributing to employee well-being.


Tools for 360° internal HR communication

Digitalization is at the heart of everything we do. It runs from the recruitment process right through to employee follow-up. There's even talk of a "digital corporate culture". Internal HR communications also need to take on a 360° dimension, by multiplying the number of distribution channels. To achieve this, internal communication can count on the effectiveness of certain digital tools.

Digital content

The aim is to accelerate digital transformation by combining traditional tools with more innovative formats. The result is new media:

  • In-house newspapers, but online;
  • Newsletters and emailing, for weekly or monthly appointments;
  • Digital signage for omnichannel, real-time information communication;
  • The intranet with a user experience developed for smooth navigation;
  • Corporate social networks to promote interactivity and commitment ;
  • Video to raise awareness, inform and educate on a wide range of subjects.

Collaborative spaces

In 2022, more than ever, corporate portals, HR platforms, intranet spaces and messaging systems will be at the center of debate. Social interaction must be preserved, despite the screen barrier. Opt for online events that involve all departments.

Digital signage

The screen is what connects the digital to the physical world. It is the only way to create a relationship between all employees, whether in the field or remotely. It's an integral part of every department's daily routine. Keep your staff informed in real time, wherever they are, with a dedicated, omnichannel solution. By adoptingdigital signage in your internal HR communication, provide the same level of information to teleworkers via your Digital Workplace (Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, Facebook Workplace, Slack...) on computer or mobile. All campaigns are relayed so that everyone can access the information, regardless of the internal tool used. Are you interested in integrating digital signage into your internal HR communications strategy? Cenareo can help you enrich your digital employee experience. More than just a display solution, take advantage of an online platform that permanently connects everyone in your company.

Hybrid workers (1920 x 1080 px) (6)-1

By multiplying meaningful digital actions, internal HR communication will be able to preserve the balance and talent of each employee, while enhancing the company's image. Between well-being, involvement, exchange, commitment and information sharing: the challenges for internal HR communications in 2022 are numerous. But it's the employee experience that's really coming to the fore, as one of the major trends for the coming year. And it will inevitably involve digital solutions.


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