The benefits of a corporate coffee break

July 4, 2022

According to an IFOP study for Nespresso Business Solutions, almost nine out of ten employees allow themselves a coffee break during the working day. This is a well-established habit among French employees, more than 67% of whom consider it indispensable for integrating into a team. But the benefits don't stop there: the coffee break has many other advantages for both employees and the company. Find out why the corporate coffee break is so important, and how brands can use it to develop their internal communications.


What does the law say about company coffee breaks?

In France, breaks taken during an employee's working hours, their duration and remuneration are regulated. Article L3121-16 of the French Labor Code stipulates that as soon as an employee's daily working time reaches six hours, he or she is entitled to a break of at least twenty consecutive minutes. This is therefore a legal right for employees, who can benefit from more or less advantageous conditions depending on their collective agreement or the company agreement applicable under labor law.


The impact of the coffee break on the company

Sometimes seen as a waste of time, company coffee breaks are actually beneficial in many ways.

Productivity gains

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and enhances cognitive functions. Consumers appreciate the boost it provides to keep them awake and alert, and an employee who drinks it is more likely to be productive throughout the day. But beyond caffeine's virtues, it's essential to take advantage of a moment's rest to stay focused.

A strong employer brand

Employees are also consumers who are increasingly attentive to the origin and manufacturing conditions of the products they consume. A company committed to CSR sends out a strong signal by using ethical, quality products. Far from being insignificant, the choice of its coffee demonstrates its commitment to production that respects the planet and its people.

A stronger sense of belonging

To promote a fulfilling working environment, it is in a company's interest to provide its employees with a break room and a coffee machine. Employees need a space in which to relax, and perceive this attention as consideration for their well-being.


The impact of coffee breaks on employees

Corporate coffee breaks contribute to employee satisfaction and have a positive impact on their perception of their professional environment.

Access to much-needed relaxation

The coffee break represents a moment of disconnection that contributes to improving the mood of employees. A relaxed, well-rested employee will be happier at work, and therefore more productive.

Developing team cohesion

The corporate coffee break has become a special time for employees, who can indulge in the more informal exchanges needed to develop bonds and maintain team cohesion. It's a convivial meeting place, where profiles mingle, meet and affinities are created.

Decompartmentalizing the company

Coffee breaks are also a great way of communicating spontaneously with your superiors. While informal exchanges are of course always welcome, it's also possible to take advantage of these moments to hold small meetings that can unblock a number of situations.


How can you take advantage of the company coffee break to promote internal communication?

The corporate coffee break is a privileged place for informal exchange, which benefits employees' well-being; for companies, it's a good idea to encourage them to make the most of it. To this end, installing a digitalsignage screen in a break room offers the opportunity to increase the impact of internal communications tenfold. It's a space that's well worth investing in to achieve your objectives, and ideal for relaying other, less corporate content that's just as essential to company life.


Cenareo's digital signage solution increases tenfold the reach of this content, which can be displayed on any type of screen. It makes it easy to manage internal communication campaigns, as close as possible to employees. This powerful tool with a high ROI helps build real team cohesion, thanks to the transmission of entertaining and inclusive content. Digital signage offers an infinite field of expression, to serve all the objectives of your internal communications strategy.


The Cenareo solution is an internal communications software that connects your employees with powerful, relevant content. In just one click, revolutionize the way you communicate and generate ever greater engagement.

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