How can we give every employee a voice in the workplace?

July 23, 2019

In a company, not every employee will be integrated in the same way. Some will speak up, while others will stand back for fear of not saying what they think. However, their arguments can be invaluable to you. So what can you do to let them have their say?

It's worth remembering that individuals don't behave in the same way when they're out in society. There's a barrier between personal and professional behavior. It's precisely this barrier that makes people "bridle" as soon as they take on a new job. So it's not uncommon for new employees to be afraid to speak up for fear of doing something wrong or being different from the others. You need to reassure them so that they can free themselves to speak up internally.

Let's focus on the actions you need to take to make them feel comfortable:

Be available

As soon as they arrive, show them that you're there to guide them, so that their integration goes smoothly. A successful integration will have a decisive impact on their ability to interact with other employees.

Take the time to show them around the departments and let them know you're available to answer their questions.


Encourage interaction with your colleagues

For your employees to be able to talk to other colleagues, they all need to know each other. To achieve this, try toorganize meetings with your other colleagues. At these, put your newcomer forward, introduce him/her and let him/her introduce him/herself and engage in conversation.

If you're asked to lead a meeting, get him to take part by making sure you've divided up the roles beforehand. By repeating this process, he'll no longer feel ashamed or afraid to speak up, which may reveal skills he didn't know he had.


Plan workshops

If there's one thing that gives every employee a voice, it's workshops. If you're not familiar with this new practice, it involves organizing "meetings" lasting less than an hour on a theme chosen by the speaker. Here, the speakers are, of course, your employees.

Why are these workshops so popular?

Quite simply, because every employee has a "story" to tell. Whether it's about their job, their experience, or a subject close to their heart, give your employees the chance to have their say through these workshops. The advantage is that, at the end of one, your other colleagues will want to participate as speakers and organize the next one.


Organize activities

Une bonne astuce pour donner la parole à vos collaborateurs est de réaliser diverses activités. Que ce soit du team building, des séminaires par département, toutes les activités sont bonnes pour prendre la parole en entreprise. Favoriser les jeux en équipes et créer ainsi des échanges entre vos collaborateurs permettra une plus grosse complicité. Non seulement ils prendront la parole en groupe mais vous créerez un lien fort entre ces derniers.


Set up Shadow comex

But what is a Shadow comex? It's an executive committee organized by employees, not management. The aim of these Shadow comexes is to bring to light the problems facing the company that the managers don't see. At the end of the exercise, the employees make their presentation to the managers.

So, now you know all the tips you can use to encourage your employees to speak up. If you liked this article, don't hesitate to read the others below:

Employee arrivals and departures: how to communicate effectively?

How do you train your employees?

5 tips for improving internal communications


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