Switching off signs at night: energy-saving legislation

December 12, 2022

Popular in the world of retail and commerce, digital signage relies on the activation of digital screens and involves a certain amount of energy consumption. To limit its impact on the environment, it's no longer uncommon to choose toswitch off signs at night. So how can you use digital signage in an eco-responsible way? Here's how.

Focus on the energy tension decree

In France, the government has been encouraging businesses to switch off their signs at night for some years now. Illuminated advertising must be inactive during specific time slots. This is a legal obligation aimed at accelerating the energy transition.Article R581-35 of the French Environment Code requires all buildings, shops and businesses to switch off their illuminated advertising between 1am and 6am. Some facilities, such as railway stations and airports, are exempt. As part of the government's plan to reduce energy consumption, this measure has been extended to all local authorities, and all advertising will be switched off in the event of high voltage on the electricity system. Decree no. 2022-1331 of October 17, 2022 adds this notification. Digital advertising in particular is concerned, and other types of advertising will join the list set out in article L.143-6-2 of the Energy Code by June 1, 2023.


Cenareo, a company ahead of its time

In addition toswitching off signs at night, other actions help to drastically reduce energy consumption. Aware of environmental issues and with an eco-responsible approach, Cenareo didn't wait for legislation to concern itself with the consumption of its equipment. The more responsible equipment proposed by manufacturers and designers aims to reduce the energy consumed by digital signage screens. The content management system, for its part, includes a whole dimension dedicated to controlling the switching on of digital screens. As well as being a considerable gesture for the planet, it also means savings on energy bills for all those using our solution.

Set switch-on times

Eco-responsibleretail signage starts with the setting of lighting times. It's possible to reduce energy consumption as much as possible by choosing a suitable time slot. This is the case with Cenareo, which integrates this functionality into its software: even remotely, it's possible to control all your screens. The screens shut down when the store closes, and can be automatically set to prevent them from being forgotten, or activated as customers pass by. With such a system, turning off signs at night is no longer a constraint, and managing dynamic displays is made easier.


Exceptions to the energy tension decree

A number of installations have been excluded from the decree requiring signs to be switched off at night. These include airports, railway stations and street furniture used for transport services. Here's the lowdown.

Digital signage in stations and airports

Dynamic displays and other fixed-image advertising panels installed near airports, railway stations and bus stations are not subject to regulation. They are not subject to the decree. However, they are tolerated only under certain conditions, and can only be operated during operating hours.

Street furniture for transport services (buses, streetcars, etc.)

There are also exceptions in the public transport sector. At present, street furniture installed around bus, metro or tramway stops can continue to display advertising and leave digital screens active. However, outside service hours, street furniture must be switched off. The obligation to switch off illuminated advertising on street furniture (DOOH) will only come into force on June 1, 2023.

Note also that, for certain events, a prefectoral municipal decree may stop or extend the opening of such communication media.

Enclosed spaces

The obligation toswitch off signs at night applies throughout France, but only to outdoor advertising. The exception to this rule is advertising inside enclosed spaces. Stores, shopping malls, stations, stadiums and underground parking lots are not affected.


Penalties for non-compliance with regulations

Since October 5, 2022, there have been severe penalties for failing to switch off signs at night. In the event of non-compliance, the prefect issues a formal notice. Retailers and businesses have five days to comply with the recent decree. If they fail to do so, they are liable to a fine of between 1,500 and 7,500 euros, depending on whether they are an individual or a legal entity.

It's possible to continue using digital signage without compromising the environment. Fight light pollution by adopting appropriate digital signage software. Choose screens that consume less energy, refer to the various energy labels and make sure they can be repaired. By choosing a suitable management solution, you can control and regulate the switching on and off of your digital screens down to the second.



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