Relying on video to boost your team building policy is undoubtedly a strategic choice. While team building strengthens team cohesion and stimulates creativity, video conveys the atmosphere, energy and dynamics of a working team. Whether before, during or after a team building event, video is an easy-to-watch and particularly memorable format. A truly effective vector for fostering a sense of belonging, projection and federation, it is an ideal support communication tool for getting your message across. So how best to combine team building and video?
team building teaser video
Utiliser une vidéo en phase de préparation de votre team building constitue un moyen stratégique pour susciter la motivation, le suspense et l'envie au sein de vos équipes. Que ce soit pour annoncer le programme de la journée, présenter les défis à relever, ou encore donner un avant-goût du lieu prévu pour le séminaire, la vidéo de teasing peut être un outil efficace pour inciter à la participation active. Pour renforcer cet impact, une présentation d'entreprise efficace peut également être intégrée pour familiariser les participants avec les valeurs et les objectifs de l'entreprise.
Designing a successful teaser video
A successful teaser video starts with a perfect mastery of your message. Think of a captivating hook that will arouse the interest and curiosity of your teams, and assemble all the essential elements for your video (practical information to be conveyed, call to action if necessary...). Next, pay particular attention to the quality of your video. Opt for a dynamic production with quality images, music and good editing to achieve a professional look.
Share the teaser video of team building
Sharing a teaser video creates exciting anticipation within your team. By showcasing a professional-quality video, you demonstrate your investment in the team-building initiative, which in turn fosters employee engagement. The message you want to convey will also be better understood and easier to remember in video form. A team building teaser video can be distributed via newsletters or e-mails addressed directly to your employees. You might also consider sharing the video on your corporate website or intranet. Make sure that the video is easily accessible and that the file is readable on various devices (smartphones, tablets, PCs).
Use video to liven up your business event
The use of video during a team building event can energize the activity and amplify the involvement of participants. It can, for example, be used as support for a video treasure hunt, a collaborative projection, a photomontage animation, a music video-making activity, videos marketing or even the making of a cinema-style mini-film, an opportunity to work as a team with colleagues to achieve a common goal. Video can also be used to capture images of the event and behind the scenes.
Making the most of video during the event
Optimal use of video in your team building activity is based on a number of factors. First of all, you need to establish precisely what type of video animation you want to incorporate. You'll find plenty of ideas for group workshops. Next, make sure that the animation is well organized, that everyone's role is clearly defined, and that the rules of the game are clearly explained. Finally, encourage interactivity by allowing everyone to play an active part in the activity. To make this video activity a success, you need to equip yourself with the necessary production equipment, as well as providing the teams with all the rules and best practices for filming.
Video after team building
Don't overlook the wealth of information a post-event video can contain. Whether it's to share the highlights of the team building, to capture the emotion and conviviality generated by the event, or to project a coherent, dynamic corporate image, the use of video after the team building can be very useful. What's more, video is a type of content that has the advantage of being shared across different communication channels, boosting your publications.
Creating an effective post-event video
To create an effective post-event video, the first thing to remember is to collect as much content as possible during the seminar: interviews, general shots, zooming in on activities... Then structure your video in a logical order: welcome, activities, reactions and conclusions. In short, it's all about reliving the event through the video to get the most out of it.
The quality of your team building video will not be limited to the story it tells, but will be intrinsically dependent on its image, sound and editing quality. Achieving excellent quality in video production requires specialized skills and know-how, which communications and marketing teams don't always have in-house. EasyMovie by Cenareo supports your team building video project from A to Z. From pre-production to production, editing and sharing, EasyMovie by Cenareo helps you create high-quality content that accurately reflects your brand image. By facilitating the video production process, EasyMovie by Cenareo enables companies to concentrate on what they do best, without having to worry about the technical aspects of video. Video thus becomes not only a formidable team building tool, but also a powerful vector of communication for your company, even without prior professional experience in video production.
Communicate internally and externally with video from team building
The team building video is a great way to boost your external communications: on social networks or on the company website. These videos can reinforce your brand image and attract new talent by demonstrating a healthy, dynamic corporate culture. They can also be presented to partners or other stakeholders to offer a more authentic and transparent image of the company. As video is an easily shareable and popular format, employees themselves can become ambassadors for your company by sharing these videos on their own social networks. Internally, the team building video also enables fluid, real-time communication between employees. Broadcast by e-mail or on in-house display screens , such as , in break rooms, lobbies, etc., they enable key moments to be shared, reinforcing the feeling of belonging to the team and consolidating team spirit.