Wait marketing: when waiting becomes useful

January 31, 2022

How can you make the most of your customers' waiting time? This is the thinking behind Diana Derval's concept of wait marketing. The promise? Use a customer's available attention in a waiting situation to get a message across. In the waiting room, at the point of sale or in a queue, these moments of latency are ideal for communicating a message with tenfold impact. Discover the concept of wait marketing, when waiting becomes useful and even profitable.


Wait marketing: what is it?

Wait marketing is a strategy popularized by neuromarketer Diana Derval, who establishes the value of broadcasting advertising messages during moments when the consumer is in a waiting situation. Content broadcast during these indeterminate moments has every chance of being well received, thanks to its distracting power and its ability to avoid being perceived as advertising hype. It's the very nature of this waiting - open-ended and taking place in distraction-free public places - that enhances the perception and memorization of messages, and therefore proves highly profitable.


Wait marketing in the waiting room

Wait marketing is based on the use of digital tools that are already part of the waiting room experience via our cell phones. In the end, it's simply a question of taking advantage of this usage, by using tools dedicated to improving the waiting experience.

An innovative, customer-focused experience

A waiting room is often seen as a cold, impersonal, crowded space, sometimes distressing for medical establishments. And yet, visitors spend a lot of time there, consulting their smartphones. This is an ideal opportunity to offer a new waiting experience through wait marketing. This time-space can be used to interact, distract or inform visitors, transforming a tedious moment into a pleasant, instructive and entertaining one. Digital signage responds to this need, enabling the broadcast of an infinite variety of multimedia content to reach different targets for different purposes. As screens are the main channel for our entertainment in the private sphere, they can be placed in a waiting room to bring these places back to life.

The Cenareo solution is the ideal tool to take advantage of the benefits of wait marketing: it allows you to easily and centrally manage the distribution of your content on screens, using a dedicated platform. Digital signage has the power to optimize a visitor's wait, thanks to the distribution of content that enhances it. To reassure them, make them wait in more pleasant conditions, raise their awareness or simply offer them useful information, digital signage in waiting rooms enables you to communicate in a clearer, more visible and, above all, more impactful way.

Entertaining content to make the wait worthwhile

The advantage of digital signage lies in its ability to promote different formats relevant to your communication and objectives:

  • Opening hours;
  • Prices ;
  • Details of services offered or products for sale;
  • News ;
  • Educational or informative content;
  • Promotional content;
  • Information on the weather or the flow of visitors to the facility;
  • Awareness-raising messages or prevention campaigns.

Wait marketing in the waiting room: for whom and why?

Visitors are more likely to receive information when they're not busy or distracted: that's when it's easier to assimilate and remember. This wait marketing approach can therefore be applied to almost any sector of activity, in order to communicate in a relevant way.

Sectors and professions concerned

Beyond its financial benefits, digital signage represents an opportunity to enhance the visitor experience. It helps create interaction, and can be deployed in just about any business sector:

  • The medical sector: the offices of health professionals and hospitals are all places where the patient visitor can feel uncomfortable and stressed, and needs to be reassured and distracted;
  • The retail sector: digital signage reduces the feeling of waiting and is even useful for promoting products and encouraging the act of buying;
  • In the workplace: in an elevator or waiting room, digital signage contributes to a company's wait marketing strategy by broadcasting content to external visitors that supports its brand image, enhances its results and promotes its corporate culture.

Wait marketing opportunities in the waiting room

Wait marketing is a cost-effective, high-impact, high-ROI communication medium that can be supported by digital signage technology. This high-performance tool is the ideal way to develop your wait marketing strategy, for 3 reasons:

  • More effective communication: on-screen campaigns are highly effective in terms of memorization. Wait marketing makes it possible to communicate at a time when visitors or customers are most likely to be interested in and register the information they receive;
  • Consolidating links with visitors: digital signage is useful for transmitting information, but it must also encourage human interaction. The content displayed will make visitors aware of an issue, a service or a product, and should encourage them to take action;
  • Making waiting profitable: a cab ride, a train journey, an elevator ride... digital signage eliminates the sensation of waiting in these places and transforms it by taking advantage of our behavior.

With the Cenareo solution, you can effectively manage the distribution of your content on your screens. Whether you want to entertain, inform, connect, guide or educate visitors,digital signage in waiting rooms can meet all your objectives. Our in-house communication software Cenareo , dedicated to managing your communication on screens, lets you program your content easily, so you can animate your establishment's waiting areas and seize the opportunities offered by wait marketing.


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