We don't have the words...

January 8, 2019

"So... Where to start? Well, maybe... Actually no!". This kind of video opening is absolutely forbidden. Today, we'd like to give you a few tips on what not to say in front of the camera. 

It's not easy to find the right words when tackling certain subjects. To achieve the more-than-perfect speetch, before finding the right terms, start by forbidding yourself others. Yours truly Haroun - EasyMovie's salesman - puts you on the road to a speech fit for a king.

Non-words to type ✊

As your favorite speaker reminds us, onomatopoeia is to be avoided before tackling any real questions of terminology or wording.

And remember, it's better to improvise on specific points you know well than to recite a well-written text by heart. Improvisation will always make your videos livelier and warmer. However, too many "Euuuuuh...", "Hmmmm..." or "Pfff..." will drastically slow down the pace of your corporate films. What's more, these linguistic parasites are crucial to your credibility. Too many noises like these will give the impression that you're not quite up to speed with what you're saying. Haroun is very clear on this point: "You have to know what you're saying".

A final word on terminology

So to be very clear: NO, NO, NO and NO! No swearing! What goes without saying is always better said, so now that it's said, it's said!

On a more serious note, even if vulgarities are to be avoided, you should limit your use of strong language. You'll come across as either pretentious or incomprehensible. The aim of a corporate video is to get straight to the point, and to do so simply! You don't want to sound like you're talking to children. It's up to you to find the right balance. Language that's neither too familiar nor too sophisticated.

The magic formula

When formulating your ideas, always remember that it's best to use a direct, active style. If your formulations are too passive, people will think of you and your company as mere executants. Yet it's so much more pleasant, and more rewarding, to be seen as the one who initiated the actions and efforts you made, rather than the one who merely implemented them.

The same applies, more or less, to negatives. Try to keep mainly the positive to encourage your prospects and teams to believe in you. Nothing is more important than belief, and we can tell you that we've verified it.

If you want to learn more about media training, we recommend you visit our YouTube channel. Be careful, though, not to spend your life on it - it's addictive, as many EasyMovie users will testify.

A few videos to tide you over. New articles on media training coming soon:

Arms folded

How to dress for a video

Working on the speaker's posture

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