Case Studies

+ 50% satisfaction for information to tenants: Digital signage for social landlords

Promologis is a branch of the Action Logement housing group, which builds and manages rental housing stock. In 2020, they manage 25,000 housing units across France, housing 65,000 people and have 340 employees on the ground dealing with the day-to-day management of these residences.

To streamline and simplify communications between residents and local managers, Promologis has decided to equip these entities with communication screens. They are going to be installed in all their student residences as well as in all Promologis agencies and its head office.

➡️ Feedback about Promologis’ experiment to validate dynamic signage as the main tool for informing residents.

Improving communication between residents and Promologis’ local managers

Communication was sometimes tricky locally: the tenants had very little information about the life of their residence. Important information was not properly passed on to residents, such as events organised by Promologis but also maintenance of the premises and planned technical work.

The problem of disseminating information in the residences resulted in dissatisfaction of the residents, but also a loss of productivity of the partners on the ground, who for each intervention had to recall why they were there or the latest unshared information.

The study to identify the issues and to provide an appropriate solution is led by IOT Valley and by Promologis’ CIO (Chief Information Officer). The main problem that emerges from it is that: The occupants have no information about the life of their residence.

This major problem leads to negative consequences for the tenants and for Promologis:

  • A lack of visibility because each tenant makes their requests individually and is unaware of those of the other tenants
  • The resources used by Promologis are not highlighted
  • The tenants do not know who to ask and do not know the right person to contact for their requests
Digital signage to improve sharing information with tenants

4 specific objectives are set:

  • Promote Promologis’ actions directed at tenants
  • Improve customer satisfaction thanks to a better relationship
  • Increase local managers’ productivity by reducing the number of calls and movements
  • Save money by reducing requests for technical interventions, for better performance of the teams
Experiment, set goals, decide

4 months’ of field experiments were conducted in 2 student residences of the Promologis group. 2 screens in a residence of approximately 300 tenants and 1 screen for a residence housing around 100 students. These digital signage screens were installed in the shared areas of the residences to broadcast content about the life of the residences:

  • Events organised for or by students and where they can meet and talk
  • Planned maintenance work over the next few weeks
  • The various services offered by the Promologis group for the target, in this case the students.

Communication on these screens is entrusted to the managers of the residences, who are assisted by a member of the communications department of the Promologis group. The CIO is still coordinating the project, in collaboration with the manager of the student residences, to ensure alignment with the needs of this young target.

The ensure the pilot project is a success, metrics are monitored to validate or otherwise the success of this field experiment:

  • The satisfaction of the Fleet Manager & Content Planner, who use the Cenareo platform to publish content on the screens
  • The number of campaigns created and broadcast monthly on the screens
  • The residents’ satisfaction with regard to access to the information
On-screen communication that resolves many issues on the ground

The results are conclusive:

✔️ The users of the Cenareo platform who create and schedule content on the screens are very satisfied. They point to a considerable time saving and better relevance of the information thanks to information directly broadcast by the residence’s managers or by the Promologis agency for more general topics.

✔️ The increase in the number of information campaigns per month, increasing from 3 to 6.75 with the screens.

✔️ An increase in residents’ satisfaction with regard to communications and information sharing

Thus, after the introduction of digital signage screens in Promologis’ residences, more than 50% of residents say they are better informed!

It was thanks to these fast results, which resolved many of the issues on the ground, in particular residents’ satisfaction and the performance of the teams on the ground, that Promologis decided to roll out the Cenareo solution on a large scale. This will enable the social landlord to harmonise its internal and external communications for better efficiency of the teams and improved dissemination of information between the different entities.

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