in-store advertising screen

Engage your audience with interactive digital signage

Interactive signage is a powerful weapon for interacting with your audience and enhancing the user experience.

Interact with the broadcast message

Interactive digital signage

Un affichage interactif définit un support d’affichage, statique ou dynamique (affiche, écran…) augmenté d’une interface permettant à un visiteur d’entrer en interaction avec celui-ci, et en particulier avec le message diffusé.

L’interaction avec le panneau digital interactif peut être à l’initiative du visiteur (appui sur un bouton, utilisation d’une tablette…) ou à l’initiative de l’affichage lui-même (déclenché par un système de reconnaissance gestuelle...).

Les affichages interactifs sont principalement utilisés par les marques, afin d’améliorer les expériences et les parcours clients. Ces diffusions interactives, idéales pour engager les visiteurs, connaissent de forts taux de mémorisation. Elles représentent alors un canal de choix pour transmettre efficacement des messages, valoriser le savoir-faire ou simplement, grâce à des expériences ludiques, augmenter le capital sympathie de votre marque.

digital signage for stores and points of sale

The benefits of digital signage


Develop your reputation and modernize your brand image. An interactive display can also be used to promote your services, or showcase your partners.


Animate and energize your brand: offer visitors a unique experience and build loyalty. Offer them new experiences to arouse their curiosity.


Distinguish yourself from the competition by setting up games, for example: 10,000 competitions are organized every year in France, of which less than 1% use digital signage.

Reduced waiting time

An excellent way to reduce the impression of visitors waiting: take advantage of this downtime and your visitors' receptiveness.


Interactivity opens the door to conversation with your audience. Visitors become actors in the relationship with your brand.

Customer understanding

Competitions, questionnaires and surveys help you to gather valuable information that will help you to better understand your customers (questions, bottlenecks...) and thus better meet their expectations.

Interactivity in the customer journey

Interactive digital signage: applications

Facial recognition systems, remote controls, interactive synchronization, connected buttons (Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, Sigfox...): there are many innovations bringing interactivity to the offline customer experience.

  • Interactive remote control: this invites visitors to instantly trigger the diffusion of content on screens via a tablet. They view the information that interests them and are more attentive to the messages transmitted.

    ‍Customer benefit: Access comprehensive information independently. Brand benefit: Better understand visitors' expectations and improve communication.
  • The interactive film: the interactive film lets visitors interact directly with the broadcast and choose what happens next. Like "books where you are the hero", the interactive film lets visitors take control of the story and decide for the hero. A terminal, made up of physical and connected buttons, invites visitors to choose in the hero's place.

    ‍Benefits : This interactive broadcast reinforces brand image, through a unique, immersive experience, and collects customer data (the end of the film being available only after entering personal information).
  • Interactive synchronization: this allows visitors to trigger content on a wall of screens at the touch of a button, magnifying the content broadcast and maximizing its reach. It's also possible to display a QR code, which visitors can scan to trigger the synchronized broadcast.

Interactive games with digital signage

As consumer behavior evolves with technological advances, the customer experience has become fundamental for brands. In this context, what could be more effective for message memorization and customer loyalty than gamifying communication.

‍Youcan thus organize contests on your interactive digital signage screens to engage your audience and collect valuable customer information.

  • The scratch-off game invites visitors to use their smartphone to scratch off a sticker: they can then win prizes offered by the store or by the group. To play, visitors must enter their personal details, which can then be added to the customer database. Via an application accessible from their own smartphone, visitors scan the QR code, scratch, and discover their prize!
  • The Wheel Game : the interactive Wheel Game application lets visitors spin a virtual wheel. After entering their personal details (email, name, gender, age, telephone number, etc.), an animated wheel, synchronized between the screen and the smartphone, shows the visitor the prize won.

This example of interactive display allows us to really engage the customer (motivated by the prizes), to encourage acceptance of new screens, to enrich customer databases, to animate a point of sale, to communicate about partners (logos, sponsored prizes...).

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