Streamline exchanges

Digital signage for industry

Easily and automatically exchange data with your teams, operators and temporary workers: emergency messages, dashboards, signage, daily objectives, safety instructions, availability of meeting rooms... depending on where the digital signage screens are installed in the production line.

Factory communication flows

How to facilitate digital signage communication in the industrial sector?

Simplify and improve your communication by remotely broadcasting messages from your professional tools using display screens. Dynamic communications software lets you personalize your internal communications across multiple screens, at different sites in your industry, in offices and on the production line.

Manage your content and its distribution with ease. Combined with a playerplayer, this digital signage content management software (CMS) lets you transmit information directly to screens installed in physical environments. Prefer communication in the form of images, videos, short posts... that can be updated regularly and easily.

Communication can sometimes be difficult in industry since operators don't have a dedicated office and not all are equipped with a computer. Disseminating information can be rather perfunctory and implemented via conventional media. Change the way you communicate by going digital.Cenareo Set up personalized communication to be broadcast directly on the display screens installed on your production sites.

solution is a real asset for streamlining internal communication in industrial companies. Optimize team work, disseminate information, boost employee commitment and enhance brand image thanks to solution digital communication. The software allows you to modify screen content as and when required. Employees are much more receptive to dynamic, changing content.

Choose digital display

Make factory work easier

  • Real-time information distribution
    The distribution of real-time information
    directly to plants is a major asset for smoothing communication and facilitating the work of teams. With teams moving around production sites, it's essential that information is accessible to all. In this way, the right information is made available in the right place on the production line, and at all company sites: factory, warehouse, workshop, supply site...
  • Véritable outil de pilotage et de communication
    Dynamisez votre communication interne et les zones de production avec des informations et messages clés pour le travail et ciblés : graphiques, plannings, indicateurs de performance, objectifs (volume à fabriquer par exemple), process de travail, horaires, règles de sécurité, opérations de maintenance, etc. Chaque écran numérique constitue un outil à part entière pour accompagner le pilotage de la chaîne de production.

Dual benefits of digital signage for industry: commitment and time savings

  • Engage teams

    Digital signage in industry is also an asset for strengthening employees' sense of belonging. This modern, relevant and impactful communication channel enables you to deliver personalized messages to your teams transparently and on a regular basis. Employees, at the heart of your communication strategy, are thus included in the optimization of production and can follow the progress of objectives, so as to encourage and congratulate them.

    The screens also become communication media in their own right for information linked to the life of the company: internal events, new projects, balance sheets, new arrivals, number of days without a workplace accident... Your content management software coupled with the player allows you to choose on which screens to broadcast your messages and thus personalize announcements according to production sites.

  • Save time

    A real advantage for the management of production managers, digital signage dedicated to the industrial sector supports you on a daily basis. Save time spent on posting or making regular announcements for your teams, which are sometimes difficult to see, understand and hear by all employees (individual meetings, social events, etc.). Thanks to digital signage on screen, you can also reduce paper printouts (reports, statistics, posting notes, etc.) for a more ecological approach.

    Digital signage screens modernize your communication and decorate your workspaces
    , an asset for teams as well as for potential investors and partners. Information is communicated automatically from the content management software, according to the time of day and screen location you decide.
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