7 types of video content to boost your marketing strategy

April 10, 2024

Video content has established itself as a central means of communication in any effective marketing strategy. Video not onlyattracts attention, but also significantlyengages and retains audiences. Its influence on the user experience and its great potential for generating a return on investment make it an essential tool. Whether you're launching a product, promoting testimonials or tracking trends, video content offers an infinite variety of applications.

Why create video content?

Video content is a particularly effective tool for fostering engagement. It enables brands to convey a certain amount of information in a short space of time, which is totally in line with the expectations of today's consumers, who are often in a hurry and solicited from all sides. Videos are also popular for their ability to capture attention in a more engaging way than a simple text or static image, helping to reinforce your brand's memorability and recognition.

Videos are also an easy format to share on the web and social networks (Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, etc.) around the world, further increasing visibility. An attractive, well-crafted video can quickly go viral, reaching a wide audience without the cost of expansion. These days, the algorithms of major social platforms like Instagram, for example, favor video content, overtaking other types of publication in terms of distribution.

The versatility of video is also highly appreciated when it comes to diversifying content. Video content can be integrated into advertising campaigns, landing pages, newsletters or used at professional events. This flexibility of video distribution makes it an invaluable tool for reinforcing your communication strategy and optimizing the return on investment of your marketing actions.

How do I create video content?

Creating video content requires careful planning and precise execution. The first step is to clearly define your objectives. What do you want to achieve with this video? Is it to promote a new product, build customer loyalty, or generate leads?

Once you've set your objectives, it's important toidentify your target audience. Understanding your audience's preferences, needs and behaviors will help you create relevant and engaging content.

Next, draw up a detailed script, taking care to organize the content logically and fluidly. The script should include a catchy introduction, a clear body of information and an inciting conclusion. It's also important to determine the visual and auditory elements that will accompany your content, such as graphics, animations, music and sound effects.

Finally, the post-production phase is crucial. Use professional editing software to edit your videos, adjust colors and sound, and add subtitles if necessary.

A solution like EasyMovie by Cenareo allows you to create quality videos with ease, ideal if you don't have the in-house skills or the budget to call in an external service provider. The suite offers a solution for creating and distributing videos in a professional way. You can choose from a range of video formats (tutorial, testimonial, managerial communication, meeting summary, etc.), as well as elements for shooting and editing the video: prompter, shooting guide, automatic editing...

The 7 best types of video to maximize your visibility

Product launch

A product launch video is one of the most effective ways of getting users excited about your new product or service. These videos should be captivating and focus on the benefits and key features of your product or service. Use live demonstrations and animations to illustrate the benefits of your new product. The aim is to arouse interest and inspire your audience (viewers) to take action, whether by buying the product or signing up to find out more.

Product Reviews

Video product reviews are extremely compelling, as they provide social proof that other people approve and recommend your product. These videos can include testimonials from satisfied customers, reviews from experts in the field or well-known influencers. It's important that these testimonials appear authentic and spontaneous to build trust and encourage purchase.

Expert interview

Expert interviews add value to your content by providing information and insights not directly related to sales. These videos can cover industry trends, offer practical advice or answer questions frequently asked by your customers. The interview must be natural and interactive to maintain the audience's interest. This positions your brand as a credible reference in your field.


Behind-the-scenes videos show what goes on behind the scenes, offering a more human perspective of your company. Whether it's the making of your products, the creative team's processes or a glimpse into office life, these videos humanize your brand and build consumer trust. A welcoming, transparent work environment can also increase employee loyalty and attract new talent.


The vlog, or video blog, is a casual way of sharing updates, events or highlights from your daily activity. Unlike other types of video content, vlogs are often more personal and authentic, which can help build a close relationship with your audience. These videos can cover a variety of topics, from corporate celebrations to reflections on current projects.


Tutorials are extremely popular, as they offer tangible added value to your audience by teaching them something new. Whether demonstrating how to use a product, giving practical advice or offering solutions to common problems, these videos reinforce your position as an expert in your field. Well-crafted tutorials can also improve the user experience and reduce customer support queries.

Team presentation

Team presentation videos highlight the talents and skills of your staff. These videos can include interviews with team members, presentations of different departments or testimonials about what makes your company unique. They help to humanize your brand and build trust with your customers and partners.

Every type of video lends itself well to distribution on multiple communication media, such as digital signage. Thanks to a dedicated platform and a player, you can connect different screens together and broadcast your videos according to their location, time of day, and so on. This way, your videos can be seen by your staff on screens located on your premises, but also by your customers and partners on screens located outdoors, in your points of sale, in waiting areas...

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