Asynchronous video to optimize asynchronous communication

May 27, 2024

Asynchronous communication is already well established in the corporate world, and is most often used for training, tutorials... These communication methods enable employees to interact and share information at their own pace, which can improve productivity and efficiency. With the emergence of new hybrid forms of worksuch as teleworking, asynchronous communication should continue to grow in popularity. Thanks to the various technological tools available, such as e-mail, chat, screen displays and corporate social networks, it is now possible to maintain effective and regular communication, wherever and whenever required. Among asynchronous communication tools, asynchronous video stands out in particular.


What is asynchronous communication?

Asynchronous communication is a form of communication in which the exchange of information does not take place in real time. Unlike synchronous communication, where participants interact simultaneously face-to-face or remotely, this mode allows people to respond when they are available, without the need to synchronize with the initial speaker. It is characterized by a time interval between transmission and reception and/or response to the message. It is particularly suited to situations where the players involved are located in different time zones or geographical areas, or have incompatible schedules.


The advantages of asynchronous video

Adopting asynchronous video offers many advantages. It allows you to take the time to prepare your message, control the information being transmitted and avoid misunderstandings and disruptions. With the possibility of revision, an asynchronous video can be viewed several times if necessary, for better understanding, and above all at any time, from anywhere, thus optimizing everyone's time and respecting individual work rhythms. Thanks to asynchronous video, information is stored and archived to ensure traceability of exchanges. Overall, asynchronous video enhances productivity by encouraging more agile working. 


Differences between synchronous and asynchronous video

Asynchronous video is a medium for communication that does not take place in real time. Interlocutors therefore do not exchange information at the same time. This can be the case, for example, ofa video that has been recorded and is viewed later by its recipient. It offers great flexibility, as it can be viewed at any time, as many times as required. 

Unlike asynchronous video, synchronous video is video broadcast live, like a webinar or videoconference. Participants interact in real time.


How do I produce an asynchronous video?

If you don't have the skills in-house, there are a number of tools you can use to produce videos. Although video is a medium with many advantages, marketing and communications teams are not always trained in video production. A tool like EasyMovie by Cenareo can dramatically transform your video production process. The EasyMovie by Cenareo solution facilitates all stages, from pre-production to production. It offers a library of formats (meeting recap, tutorial, customer testimonial, managerial communication...). This makes it possible to create compelling content with minimum effort. With the integrated prompter, it's easy to respect your graphic charter and maintain visual consistency. On the production side, EasyMovie enhances your workflow with precise shooting guides and screen recording capabilities. Automatic editing saves precious time and resources. The tool also offers detailed audience statistics so you can better understand your audience and refine your future content. 


How to set up asynchronous communication in the workplace?

To set up asynchronous communication within a company, it's crucial to take into account the specific needs of your teams, as well as the tools they're used to using. The first step is to identify which communication channels would be most effective, be they e-mail, chat software, corporate social networks or other digital tools. Once these tools have been selected, training is often required to ensure that all employees are comfortable using them. Training can range from a simple user guide to formal workshops, depending on the complexity of the tool. In addition, to encourage sharing and collaboration, it can be useful to put in place clear guidelines on how and when to use asynchronous communication. These guidelines could include suggestions on sharing relevant information, time management and respecting the availability of others. It's important to remember that the main objective is to improve communication while preserving employee productivity and well-being.


Asynchronous communication tools

Asynchronous communication tools are numerous. Email, for example, is one of the most common means of asynchronous communication, offering the possibility of sending and receiving messages at any time. Instant messaging applications, although they can be used in real time, are often used asynchronously. Blogs, comments, project management and learning platforms facilitate asynchronous collaboration in a team environment between several project members. Social networks and multimedia platforms such as videos and podcasts also enable deferred interaction. 

Videos on corporate digital signage screens are also an ideal format for asynchronous communication. They represent a highly effective means of disseminating information, announcements or training without requiring the simultaneous presence of the interlocutor and the recipient. This system offers the possibility of scheduling the distribution of specific content in advance, ensuring regular and effective communication to easily attract employees' attention.


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