in-store advertising screen

Digital Signage & Retail

In the retail sector, communication needs to be clear and impactful to facilitate the consumer's shopping experience and boost sales. Digital signage is particularly well-suited to the needs of large retailers, thanks to the ability to customize messages displayed on screens according to defined parameters (screen location, message, day, etc.).

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Dynamic displays
for your store

Nielsen conducted a study of 120 retailers using solution digital signage in their stores. The company observed that 80% of them had seen their sales increase by 33% compared to those achieved with conventional printed posters.*

of customers say that digital signage makes them more likely to buy the products advertised*.
of customers enter a store because of a display that has caught their interest.
of retailers report a 33% increase in sales compared with conventional printed posters.

*Source Shopify

digital signage for stores and points of sale

The most intelligent solution digital signage system on the market


Use your existing formats, retrieve online content from Youtube or your social networks, or create your messages directly from our management platform.


Our intelligent algorithms broadcast your content according to your criteria (times, days, broadcast rhythm), or external parameters (weather, stock levels, etc.).


Thanks to your dashboards, you can maintain visibility on all your screens, wherever they are. With no limits on users or content, you can give your local relays control by sharing rights to your screens.

In-store communication flows

How do you facilitate digital signage communication in the retail sector?

L’affichage dynamique en grande distribution est considéré comme une technique marketing à part entière pour attirer l’attention du client et le fidéliser. En grande surface, la diffusion d’information auprès du client est à la fois une manière de mettre en valeur l’enseigne, mais aussi de lancer une campagne publicitaire pour les marques dans le cadre de la mise en place d’une stratégie digitale omnicanal. Les écrans sont utilisés pour améliorer l’expérience client dans le rayon et dans le magasin.

L’affichage dynamique offre de nombreux atouts aux enseignes de grande distribution. Les écrans diffusent des messages personnalisés qui vont permettre de favoriser l’achat en mettant en valeur les produits et les marques tout en améliorant l’image de marque du magasin. Véritable outil de communication, l’affichage dynamique garantit une communication fluide, régulière et moderne qui permet de se démarquer de la concurrence et d’attirer l’attention du consommateur. Les contenus diffusés sur les écrans se déclinent en différents formats : photo, vidéo, diaporama, posts réseaux sociaux… qui ont prouvé leur impact sur l’augmentation des ventes en magasin. Ce canal de communication est idéal pour créer du lien avec les clients et ainsi avoir un impact pour augmenter le panier d’achat moyen.

La solution Cenareo combine l’utilisation d’un logiciel de gestion de contenu (CMS) et d’un player pour permettre la connexion avec les écrans d’affichage. Ainsi, vous pouvez programmer les informations et animations interactives à diffuser sur les écrans en fonction de différents paramètres : emplacement de l’écran dans les magasins, point de vente, date, message. Les contenus et les offres s’afficheront automatiquement et en temps réel pour suivre l’actualité, ce qui vous fera gagner un temps précieux vis-à-vis d’un affichage manuel.

They trust us

Examples of in-store screen installations

a vector for experience and growth

Submit a purchase path

Digital signage screens can be used as part of a direct POS (point-of-sale advertising) communication strategy. They can be used to promote in-store brands and products directly at the point of sale, as consumers make their purchases.

Communicating via digital signage in-store will encourage customers tofollow the buying path and make the right purchase decision. Products are highlighted with attractive content (information, demonstrations, promotions, new arrivals). In this way, all available references gain in visibility. Dynamic content, accessible and visible in real time , also offers the possibility of inducing a buying path for the consumer, to encourage purchases of certain flagship products or to energize certain departments. Screens can be used to guide customers through the store.

a vector for experience and growth

Create different contact information points

With dynamic content displayed on screens, inside and outside supermarkets, you can communicate a variety of essential information : signage, special events, offers... in several zones: at checkouts, in the mall or even in the parking lot.

Screens installed outdoors will attract consumers to increase in-store traffic. Indoors, digital signage screens make it easier to disseminate information and news to promote the brand and its actions.


Building customer loyalty in-store

Digital signage communication is an excellent way to build customer loyalty.

In-store, when consumers are shopping, they may tend to compare prices directly on their smartphones. To prevent this behavior and stand out from the crowd, deliver relevant, high-quality content with calls to action, promotions, event-driven personalized content and more. Thanks to screens, you can automatically and quickly update the content displayed, compared to a traditional paper display.

To build customer loyalty in-store, offer entertainment through dynamic and attractive content such as competitions or exclusive in-store promotional offers. Dynamic display communication attracts attention and sticks in the mind. Compared with conventional displays, screens are better perceived, more visible and legible, which improves recall in stores.

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