How do you create value with videos? By having fun.

January 14, 2018

For 2018, the corporate video trend is all about lightness. The aim: to experiment, have fun, and share it with others. And what could be more infectious than enthusiasm?

Our recommendations for effective corporate videos :

1° Keep it simple

For a successful video, the first question to ask yourself is both obvious and crucial: "What do I have to say"? Make the effort to sum up your thoughts in one sentence. This sentence is your angle, and your entire video should be built around this particular message.

In a nutshell: a video = a message, and a message has to be clear and concise.

Video is one of the few subjects where the main imperative is to keep things short, so let's make the most of it! To do this, writing a storyboard outlining the video to be shot is a simple but effective technique. It allows you to define the key stages and reinvent them until you "dry up your writing" and really get to the heart of the matter. To get you started, read our 3 tips for short videos.

Keep one simple objective in mind: after just one viewing, your target audience should be able to repeat what they've learned.
Obviously, this isn't a hard and fast rule, and won't apply to complex formats such as conference or debate coverage, or a survey on an in-depth topic - but it does apply to most other formats.

2° Forget the technique

These days, you don't need to be an expert to make meaningful videos. Focus on "all-in-one" solutions that take care of the form (shooting, editing and packaging, and even editorial support for formats) and concentrate on the content. And above all, don't imagine that expensive and/or complex equipment is the key to high-impact videos: instead, take inspiration from one of superstar Kendrick Lamar's producers, who creates music using only his iPhone, and nothing else.

3° Target, target, target

Take the time to think about how you want to distribute your content. Simplify your life and start with the essential, YouTube - simply because "when someone is on YouTube, you know they've come for video", points out a Forbes editor. And since personalization has become key in the digital age (this enlightening article by Stéphane Cairole, Managing Partner at BCG, explains it all), identify your targets first and tailor videos to their expectations.

If you create content based on demand first, your results will be all the better. Worried that producing a high volume of videos will affect their overall quality? Remember the wise words of one program buyer: "Right now, we're almost asking for technical "crap". We want substance above all. What works today are humorous Instagram videos shot on the fly in a supermarket, not the latest Dior ad costing a thousand and one".

4° Experiment! No one will hold it against you

It's the logical consequence of all these points: today, the premium on authenticity is such that you'll be passed a shot that's a little off (for some technical tips, read our interview with a director of dynamic corporate videos). Your insincerity, on the other hand, is unforgivable. And since lightness of form doesn't imply lack of seriousness of content, don't hesitate to multiply inventive formats. You can multiply them ad infinitum: take a look, for example, at how to enrich a simple job description in video, in 10 different ways.


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