Internal communication: developing innovative actions

January 17, 2022

At the heart of the company's challenges, internal communication is the cement of an effective global strategy. The sharing of information between employees, the transmission of values and team cohesion are inseparable aspects of a company's success. Particularly since the health crisis, the importance of internal communication has become more important than ever. Would you like to set up an innovative internal communications initiative to improve the dissemination of messages with your employees and energize exchanges? Here are 5 innovative ideas to boost your in-house communication and make it even more productive.


Why is internal communication so important?

Effective internal communication is essential to the smooth running of a company. Investing in internal communications is essential to motivate, manage and unite teams, and thus increase efficiency while improving the company's external image.

To increase employee commitment

Innovative and effective in-house communication is a formidable weapon in the fight against declining productivity, whatever the size of the company or the resources allocated to its communications strategy. There are many tools you can use to communicate, share and exchange with your staff. This creates a sense of belonging, amplified by the strengthening of the corporate culture. By feeling listened to and involved in company news, employees are more committed and therefore more productive. This has a direct positive impact on overall performance.

For efficient information transmission

To achieve results, it's vital that the right information is passed on to teams at the right time. Internal communication is therefore essential, to convey important messages, explain the challenges and prospects for development across the board, and also the problems encountered, in order to adjust production methods in line with objectives. Successfully managing the distribution of announcements so as to integrate all employees requires the implementation of a reliable and innovative action plan, a vector of productivity.

To add value to your company

Every brand has its own unique identity, built up over time by its own values and characteristics. This is known as corporate culture. To foster internal communication, developing and promoting this corporate culture is essential. Communicating well with employees generates a feeling of mutual trust and loyalty, reflecting a positive image of the company to the outside world. With a common dynamic, employees consolidate their commitment and the company gains in competitiveness.


To optimize teamwork

Innovations in internal communication also help to strengthen relationships within the company. Employees are encouraged to take a greater interest in each other by sharing common skills and values. The idea is to connect employees with each other, to foster a sense of belonging and unity. Maintaining the link between on-site and telecommuting employees is a key factor in keeping teams together. In this way, everyone feels integrated, benefiting from the same level of information. In this way, well-being in the workplace is enhanced, helping to boost the company's overall performance.


Idea no. 1 for innovative internal communication: the corporate social network

For innovative and motivating internal communications, it's essential to use digital technology. New technologies offer an immense range of interactive and dynamic communication media. Improving in-house communication involves installing attractive tools to encourage exchanges and facilitate the dissemination and collection of information. With this in mind, setting up an internal social network is one of the innovative solutions with enormous potential for progress.

There are many advantages to using a corporate social network, including :

  • Encourage dialogue between employees;
  • Consolidate corporate culture;
  • Disseminate information quickly and at the right time;
  • Communicate issues, problems and objectives in an entertaining way.

The use of such a sociable space offers employees the opportunity to exchange ideas freely and easily, and thus strengthen their commitment. Combined with the social network, instant messaging and a notification system have the advantage of making the sharing of ideas and information even more fluid.


Idea no. 2 for innovative internal communication: the internal newsletter

Optimizing internal communications also means finding innovative solutions for sharing company news with all employees on a regular basis. It is essential to provide clear information on strategic orientations, results and objectives, in order to motivate and engage employees. By including them in the company's strategy, they feel more confident and are more inclined to get involved. The distribution of an internal newsletter is just one of the ideas for an innovative and stimulating internal communication campaign. This should be combined with regular team meetings to maintain the human link. The use of an intranet also represents an interesting complementary solution to the newsletter.

Fostering internal communication also means encouraging informality, with the aim of creating and strengthening team bonds. Going beyond the strictly professional sphere is important for positive, lively communication. This dimension can also be provided by the newsletter, which can be used, for example, to :

  • Communicate on employee birthdays;
  • Publish CSE services online ;
  • Talk about company members' passions or personal commitments;
  • Organize competitions.

This kind of initiative is generally very much appreciated, and encourages employees to get more involved in the life of the company, thus avoiding any risk of turnover and considerably strengthening team spirit.


Idea #3 for innovative internal communication: the onboarding platform

With digital at the heart of your communications, the use of digital media such as onboarding platforms also proves highly effective for innovative internal communications. Thanks to this kind of tool, the feeling of belonging is initiated right from the start, and becomes all the more solid in the long term. Indeed, the integration of new talent is a major point on which company managers have every interest in bolstering their internal communications. This type of platform has many advantages:

  • Digitizing recruitment processes;
  • Facilitating the integration of newcomers;
  • Simplify access to internal documents ;
  • Sharing the company culture from the outset;
  • Attracting new recruits;
  • Get to know your employees better.

The onboarding platform is thus one of the innovative solutions for sharing valuable content, attracting new talent, boosting their integration process and making internal communication more effective.


Idea No. 4 for innovative internal communication: give priority to video content

For innovative internal communications, video remains an essential medium. In fact, it is increasingly taking precedence over other information vectors. The use of video content allows messages to be conveyed in an attractive, modern and personalized way, while circulating information and resources across the company. Your video communication can take the form of :

  • Marketing materials ;
  • Tutorials ;
  • Company presentation ;
  • Customer testimonials ;
  • And many other formats.


Idea no. 4 for innovative in-house communication: multi-channel digital signage

Digital signage solutions are one of the most innovative ways of modernizing internal communications. The Cenareo solution is a particularly effective multi-channel in-house communication tool for connecting geographically dispersed employees in real time via screens. Screens installed in strategic locations throughout the company enable instantaneous transmission of messages in the form of innovative multimedia content. The integration of such adigital signage solution within the company is a means of distributing all types of information to all teams in perfect timing, thanks to remote control.


With the Cenareo solution, you can combine the dissemination of news (newsletter summaries, announcements of new features on the intranet, etc.), the promotion of informal exchanges (display of dates for anniversaries or events) and work engagement (dissemination of welcome messages, KPIs, results, etc.). The corporate culture is strengthened, employee commitment increases and information is transmitted in a unified way. Screen fleet management is simple, ergonomic and intuitive, giving you centralized control and an overview of the entire fleet.

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