5 tips for improving internal communications

April 18, 2019

Successful communication is good for business. Increased productivity, lower staff turnover, greater commitment to the company. However, if left unchecked, the effects can be harmful or even irreversible. Here are 5 tips to help you improve your internal communications.

1. Gather your teams

Quoi de mieux qu'un événement pour rassembler l'ensemble de votre entreprise. Petit-déjeuner, team building ou encore afterwork, de nombreux moyens sont possibles.

These events enable your teams to get to know each other better by sharing a pleasant moment. You can also take part in certain days, as we did with the j'aime ma boite day:

2. Introduce your employees

One of the major problems of corporate communication is the lack of information about employees. Let's take a simple example. You're a company with over 50 employees. Do you really know all your employees? Do you know what tasks each one carries out?

These may be insignificant details, but they are of the utmost importance. The best way to introduce yourself to your colleagues is with a presentation video. Making a short video summarizing your place in the company, your background and your passions will get your employees interacting.

When they see the videos of their colleagues, they will discover them. The best thing to do is to make these videos as soon as new employees arrive. On the one hand, this will facilitate their integration, and on the other, it will encourage discussion with other people.

Here is an example of a presentation video:

3. Communicate regularly

There's no secret to it. Regular communication is essential to improve your internal communications. Do you know what a company newsletter is? It's all about communicating to all employees a list of events arriving in the company each week.

Whether it's the arrival of new staff or future events, share it all with your employees. Whether by e-mail or video, any means is good for communicating. In this article, you can find out why you should make a video newsletter.


4. Encourage your employees to share

Each employee's experience is different from that of his or her colleagues. Why not share your expertise with others? Among all your teams, every employee has an experience to share. Whether it's tips, software to use or tutorials, an infinite number of subjects can come up.

A suitable solution would be to highlight these topics in video. To explain a sales technique or learn how to use a particular tool, video is the ideal format. Using EasyMovie's automatic mode, you can quickly shoot and share your videos. You don't need to be an expert to make this kind of video. Just follow the on-screen prompts. By doing so, you'll save your teams precious time and avoid multiple meetings.


5. Are you interested in the weekly summary?

A concept we've adopted at EasyMovie, this involves summarizing the week's tasks in a short video. The main aim is to ensure that managers keep track of employees' tasks, but also to bring teams together.

Each department makes its own video and posts it on the company's social network. Employees can then exchange information on problems encountered or objectives achieved. Departments can also communicate with each other by replying directly to these videos. Team cohesion is strengthened, and departments are able to communicate with each other.

We have made weekly summaries compulsory for all departments. This brings real added value, as all teams have to make their video. No employee is left out, and the teams are even more closely knit.


Now you know how to improve your internal communications. Feel free to comment if you liked the article.

Discover our other content on internal communication :

The weekly recap: the solution of internal communication? 

How can video solve your internal communication problems?

Video presentation: a look back at EasyMovie onboarding


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