Employers are obliged to provide employees with access to a range of essential workplace information, either through posters or other means of communication. This information covers a wide range of subjects, such as working conditions, working hours, gender equality, internal regulations, safety instructions, etc.
What types of information are included in this requirement, and what communication procedures apply? The employer's specific obligations vary according to the size of the company.
Display obligations for all companies
The employer's posting obligations depend on the number of employees in the company:
- Up to 10 employees
- 11 to 49 employees
- From 50 employees
Companies with larger workforces are subject to more stringent posting requirements.
Mandatory signage common to all companies
All companies, regardless of the number of employees, must display certain information.
Providing contact details for key contacts:
- Labour inspectorate (address, name and telephone number of the relevant inspector) ;
- Phone service for prevention and the fight against discrimination (09 69 39 00 00);
- Address and telephone number of the occupational physician ;
- Telephone numbers of emergency services (ambulance, fire department, police, etc.) ;
Legislation to combat discrimination and harassment:
- Articles L3221-1 to L3221-7 of the French Labor Code relating to professional and salary equality between men and women;
- Article 222-33-2 of the Penal Code on moral harassment ;
- Article 222-33 of the Penal Code on sexual harassment;
- Articles 225-1 to 225-4 of the Penal Code concerning the fight against discrimination
Safety instructions and prohibitions within the company :
- Conditions for consulting the occupational risk assessment document ;
- Fire instructions in accordance with NF EN ISO 7010, and the names of those in charge of evacuation in the event of fire;
- Smoking is prohibited on company premises, as is vaping in enclosed or covered workplaces for collective use, with certain exceptions;
Other elements relating to working conditions in the company :
- The collective bargaining agreement on which the company depends, with the possibility of consulting documents in the workplace;
- Hours of work and conditions governing the distribution of working hours, if any;
- Collective working hours and rest periods ;
- Weekly rest periods ;
- Conditions for taking paid leave ;
- The administration's validation decision concerning a possible collective bargaining agreement ;
Temporary employment agencies are also required to provide Pôle emploi and DDETS with the personal information contained in assignment contract statements, as well as any rights of access and rectification that may be exercised by interested parties, regardless of their workforce size.
Mandatory signage for companies with more than 10 employees
Companies with 11 or more employees must also provide compulsory information on the procedure for organizing elections for members of the staff delegation, which take place every 4 years.
The nominative list of members of the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) must be posted, and must specify for each member his or her usual work location and participation in one or more committees.
Companies with 50 or more employees are also required to communicate their internal rules and regulations, which cover health and safety, as well as sanctions and disciplinary measures in the event of non-compliance. In the event of a profit-sharing agreement, the employer is obliged to inform employees of its existence and content.
Companies with 50 or more employees are subject to more stringent posting requirements. For example, they must publish an equality index with various indicators, on their website or by any other means at their disposal.
Digital signage to communicate mandatory information
Most of the employer's information obligations are based on traditional posting, although some information can be communicated by all types of media.
Digital signage is an essential internal communication tool, enabling you to distribute information to all employees, whether they work at the company's head office, in a subsidiary or in a local office. You can generally display on your screens information relating to your values, your missions, your corporate identity and culture, your employer brand... You can also use digital signage to relay compulsory notices:
- Communicate about the vacation period, and remind your employees of the deadline for applying for paid leave a few weeks before the deadline;
- Relay the essential elements of the house rules, and make sure that everyone is aware of them;
- Facilitate dialogue between employees and the members of the CSE, by reminding them of the names and contact details of the contacts within the Social and Economic Committee;
- Spread awareness about the fight against discrimination and gender equality;
- etc.
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