How do you train your employees?

May 21, 2019

Do you want to train your employees, but aren't sure what options are available? There are a number of possibilities. Which one should you choose? We'll help you find the right option for your needs. 

There are many ways to train your employees, all of which will provide them with a different kind of knowledge.


As soon as they arrive, your new employees will need to familiarize themselves with thecompany as a whole, its values, its roadmap and so on. There's nothing better than onboarding to train them on this subject. This enables them to understand more precisely what they'll be expected to contribute to the company, but also to get to know the different teams and what each one does on a daily basis. Why not produce several onboarding videos that you can share with new arrivals.



In the same spirit as onboarding videos, tutorials save time on the training time you can offer your employees. Tutorials can also be used to clarify certain details that you didn't have time to cover, etc. For example, in the context of video training, tutorials can be very useful in helping you to learn more about framing, transitions and other details. Here's an example we produced on how to position your legs in video:

Involvement of an external trainer

You can also bring in an external trainer to bring new knowledge to your team. This option allows you to bring in an expert on a given subject, and thus benefit from in-depth knowledge on a given topic. You'll be able to benefit from a fresh look at certain practices, tools and so on. However, this option will require a financial outlay that you need to take into account.


Distance learning

You can also opt for distance learning. This type of training is ideal for language courses, for example. You can benefit from regular, personal follow-up without having to travel. All you have to do is define regular time slots for each person.



E-learning courses are also very useful for distance learning. You can produce instructional videos that will easily train your employees without you having to supervise the training. However, the disadvantage of e-learning is that your employees won't be interacting directly with anyone during their training.


The seminar

Finally, to train all your colleagues at the same time, you can organize a seminar. As well as helping to train your colleagues, a seminar will bring your teams closer together and contribute to a positive company atmosphere. However, the organization of a seminar is a fairly substantial undertaking in terms of time and budget.


Si vous souhaitez réaliser facilement les vidéos pour vos différentes formations vous pouvez utiliser EasyMovie. Grâce à cette solution, il ne vous suffit que d'un smartphone et de suivre les indications de l'application. Pour en savoir plus sur notre solution, faites un tour sur notre site Internet.

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