The different communication channels

April 24, 2023

Communication is a major tool for companies wishing to get in touch with their target audience. In order to get a message across, they use one or more communication channels, i.e. the means by which to convey their message. There are various media and non-media communication channels, both online and physical, which can be used, and which are determined according to the advertiser's objectives, means and target audience. What are these communication channels? How do you choose them to launch an effective communications campaign? Here's an overview of the different communication channels available to help you achieve your objectives.


Media communication channels

Communication via traditional media channels consists of broadcasting advertisements in traditional media such as the press, radio, cinema, billboards and television. Relatively costly, these communication channels are generally used to present an action, a new product, an event... that could attract the attention of journalists. Media advertising campaigns, excluding print media, are highly influential due to their mass targeting, so they need to be broadcast regularly over a set period of time in order to have a real impact on a large scale. Print media, on the other hand, are preferred for targeted communication, as are billboards for geographically targeted campaigns. With the advent of the Internet, new modes of communication have emerged, leaving traditional media sometimes in second place. It's also possible to launch a communication campaign using digital media such as the online press. A real must, this communication channel has the advantage of being accessible at all times, on all media (smartphone, tablet, computer) and can have a very interesting impact for advertisers: backlinks, posts on social networks...


Non-media communication channels

There are many non-media communication channels, sometimes more accessible than the media, which can be used to disseminate messages and offer many advantages.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing is undoubtedly one of the most important communication channels today. It enables us to reach a wide range of identified targets, and is available in a variety of formats: websites (showcase site, e-commerce, blog) mobile applications social networks podcasts photos videos infographics etc. Companies need to put in place a digital communications plan to raise their profile. As genuine showcases for a brand, its values and its image, digital media are particularly valuable tools for prospecting and building loyalty. Leaving plenty of room for creativity, they represent a major opportunity to gain visibility at lower cost. Advertisers can take advantage of these media to showcase their expertise and boost their referencing. Digital marketing also offers the advantage of collecting and interacting with data on target audiences.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing is a more aggressive communication channel, enabling direct contact with the customer via mail, e-mail, telephone calls, SMS instant messaging, etc. This specific communication strategy requires precise identification of the target in order to get the right message across. Building up a database is inevitable, and can help launch personalized campaigns.

Point-of-sale advertising

Point-of-sale advertising (POS) is a particularly effective communication technique for promoting new products, boosting sales and providing additional information. It enhances the shopping experience directly in the store, making it more attractive by highlighting offers. It is generally used to complement other channels such as media advertising or direct marketing. The tools used for point-of-sale advertising are diverse: displays, counters, kakemonos, dynamic point-of-sale displays...


Events, i.e. a presence at trade shows, fairs, seminars, exhibitions and congresses, are a highly effective way of communicating, helping you to gain visibility and make a name for yourself. Whether you're an organizer or a partner, you'll benefit from contact with the target audience to create a link, promote your company using all the tools at your disposal, and attract attention by taking the senses on a journey. This channel of communication also offers the advantage of being able to easily measure the impact of your event, an important element in adapting your communications strategy.

Print media

Paper or print media, such as flyers, brochures, catalogs... are still an effective solution, compared to digital, and enable long-term communication. Distributed at trade fairs, events, in front of a store, on the street... paper media are still effective, but can quickly represent a substantial budget, depending on quality and quantity. In the case of print communication, it's important to ensure that documents are always up to date (address, telephone number, promo code, dates, etc.), to avoid distributing copies containing out-of-date information.


How do you choose the right communication channel?

Are you wondering how to choose the right media and non-media communication channels? There are several factors to take into account when identifying the most appropriate communication channels to use: your target, your budget, your internal resources and your short- and long-term objectives.

There are several types of communication, depending on the channels used:

  • Multi-channel communication

    The aim of multi-channel communication is to use several communication channels independently of each other, at the same time or alternately, to get a message across.
  • Cross-channel communication

    Cross-channel communication involves using several complementary communication channels to interact with each other.
  • Omnichannel communication

    Omnichannel communication is a strategy based on the simultaneous use of several communication channels, according to the data gathered on the target, customers and prospects (in-depth knowledge of target habits and preferences).


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