#3 ideas for video formats to introduce a new employee

May 2, 2019

Introducing an employee on video is far more effective than in writing, but you still need to choose the right format! Don't panic, here are three formats you can use to introduce your employees.

Upstream work?

If you want to make your own presentation videos, however, you need a little preparation. To begin with, you'll need to take on the role of scriptwriter. You'll need to do a bit of preparatory work if you want to produce a superb video!

So start by listing what you want to say on camera. Break down your arguments into different parts to structure your video. This will enable you to change shots, so you can give as much information as possible in as little time as possible. 


What's next?

Then you need to choose your shooting location and find all the accessories you need to make your video. Once you've decided on the type of video you'd like to shoot, the choice of location is a natural next step. Once the location has been found, you'll need to gather your equipment. If you're not sure what to take, Rémi explains it all in his video on the pre-shooting checklist.

From now on, you can start shooting your video using the following three formats as inspiration:

One video for two uses

As a first idea, you can start with a classic presentation. If you think that's not very original, think again! Just the fact that you can do it on video proves the contrary. Many companies simply send out an e-mail to announce the arrival of future employees. By making your own video presentation, you'll be able to introduce yourself more easily to your colleagues.

Prenez exemple sur notre cher Yannis. Notre account manager a orienté sa vidéo pour deux objectifs. D'une part, un objectif interne à savoir, se présenter face à ses collègues et raconter pourquoi il a rejoint son entreprise. Notez tout de même qu'il ajoute un élément personnel en fin de vidéo pour s'ouvrir à ses collègues. D'autre part, un objectif externe puisqu'il présente l'entreprise et laisse ses coordonnées en fin de vidéo. Il pourra ensuite la diffuser sur ses réseaux sociaux pour pouvoir avoir de potentiels rendez-vous !

Using your talents as an actor

If the first format was too "basic" for your taste, you can opt for this one. If you're a fan of YouTube videos, you'll surely recognize the acting of our consultant Théophile! He decided touse a humorous tone to show his good humor and introduce himself to the company in an innovative way.

And if the YouTuber soul isn't in your genes, you can always use your ingenuity. As Rewan did in his video, get someone else to help you with off-camera shots. A ball toss that can be used as a transition, or the use of color... there are plenty of possibilities. Take inspiration from our article on transitions, which Boris explains.

You can always get inspiration from our staff videos on our YouTube channel.

Doing a Fast and Curious

The latest effective video format is the Fast and Curious. If you don't know what this is, you have to choose an answer from two words. For example, "Seaside vacation or Ski vacation". It's a format that's very popular on the web, thanks to its ease of use and infinite possibilities.

Pour vous montrer un exemple, Léa, notre stagiaire marketing a réalisé sa vidéo de présentation en suivant ce modèle. L'avantage de ce format est que vous pouvez aussi l'utiliser pour réaliser des interviews de collaborateurs autre que des vidéos de présentations. Ce peut être lors d'événements, ou encore si vous souhaitez sensibiliser sur un sujet.

And to make them?

You can always choose to use production agencies to make your presentation videos. However, this will be costly, and your videos won't be available until several weeks after you've shot them. But you want to publish them the same day your new employees arrive.

C'est là que la solution EasyMovie vous facilite les choses. Vous n'avez simplement qu'à filmer vos vidéos en utilisant votre smartphone et en suivant les storyboards présents sur votre écran. Une fois vos plans terminés, vous pouvez diffuser instantanément vos vidéos sur vos réseaux aussi bien en interne qu'en externe.

To find out more about creating videos with your smartphone, visit our website.

Do you want to create even more branded videos with templates made for your use cases, easy editing and two-click sharing? Then contact us! 


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Fast and Curious: why is it such a hit?

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