Generation Z: what's your vision of work?

August 8, 2022

While the baby-boomer generation's relationship to work is based on a long career and a good work-life balance, that of the younger generation, nicknamed Generation Z, is different in many ways. As representatives of this new generation enter the job market and increasingly fill the workforce, companies need to adapt.


Who represents Generation Z?

Generation Z refers to people born between 1995 and 2010. What makes them special? It's made up of young men and women who have little or no experience of the world without the Internet. Members of Generation Z are also sometimes referred to as "Internet natives". This particular position on the human evolutionary ladder gives them a very different view of the world from that of previous generations, notably the baby-boomers. Born and raised in the digital age, where everything is constantly connected and shared, Generation Z has a very specific relationship with society, relationships and work.

People belonging to Generation Z (also known as "Zoomers") have grown up in a world of digitalization and technological and digital prowess. While those born in the 90s witnessed the gradual development of these technologies, those born between 2000 and 2010 have been directly immersed in them.

However, the Internet is not the only notable feature defining the framework in which Generation Z has evolved. This era is also marked by major economic problems and a growing climate emergency. These particular circumstances have given this generation a real ecological and social conscience.

Like its elders before it, Generation Z has witnessed the difficulties and failures of previous generations in various fields. These "mistakes" that they are now able to observe naturally lead them to have fundamentally different expectations from those of their elders, particularly when it comes to understanding the professional world.


Generation Z and its relationship to work

Among all the things that Generation Z understands differently, and which sets it apart from its elders, the relationship to work is a key one. The Zoomers' vision and expectations of the professional world were forged in childhood. The young people of this generation have witnessed at first hand their parents' work patterns, which are often intense and spread over long working hours.

For people born at the height of the baby-boom era, work and pleasure were generally clearly separated. Work represented above all a financial necessity, a means of securing a place in society, and not necessarily a source of personal fulfillment. These notions were then integrated and passed on, until today when work and fulfillment are reconciled according to the vision of new generations. One of Generation Z 's major concerns is the reinstatement of pleasure at work.

The other notable difference between Generation Z and its predecessors, which completely changes the relationship with work of the past, concerns temporality. Rather than being fully embodied in a career and a profession, this generation projects itself more in terms of missions. Very long-term careers concentrated on the same activity are not very attractive to these young people. While a few decades ago this was a reassuring aspect, synonymous with stability and even prosperity, today's new entrants to the job market tend to want to depart from this pattern as far as possible.

The emphasis is on "project mode" and one-off assignments. Most Zoomers don't see themselves working in the same job all their lives, let alone spending their entire working life with the same company. By thinking and organizing their lives in this way, they aspire to stay away from routine, which no longer appeals to them as much as it once did.


What are the expectations of Generation Z?

To adapt your company to the gradual arrival of this new generation of employees, it's important to be fully aware of their expectations. Matching this new vision with reality is only possible by transforming the rules and concepts that govern life at work.

Quality of life at work

The first thing that Generation Z particularly values before committing to a job is the assurance of flexible working hours and consideration for personal life. Indeed, professional life no longer tends to clash with private life, and the two should coexist seamlessly. To achieve this, and thus become attractive to Generation Z, it is in a company's interest to apply reasonable working hours that allow employees to enjoy their family and social lives in parallel, while taking care of their mental health.

The relationship of trust with the manager is also an important criterion for Generation Z employees. New-generation employees aspire to be listened to by their superiors and to be able to express themselves. This relationship of trust is also embodied in the fact that, for decision-makers, assignments are meaningful, taking into account the skills of each individual.

A good quality of life depends on good communication between employees. That's why it's particularly important to implement an internal communications strategy within your company, to meet the expectations of Generation Z. To this end, Cenareo offers an optimal solution, perfectly adapted to the lifestyles of the new generations. A multi-channel communication system, this internal communication software is compatible with all types of screens, from PCs to smartphones, so you can share and transmit important information, company news and success stories in a cross-functional, modern and efficient way.

The importance of CSR

Responding to the challenges of sustainable development remains a major preoccupation for the new generation of professionals. As part of a global corporate strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) represents an important means of enhancing your attractiveness and growth.

Based on its three pillars (economic, social and environmental), CSR reflects a company's commitment to :

  • Supporting suppliers and service providers;
  • Setting an example in terms of labor law and employee safety;
  • Reduce your carbon footprint and waste.

These are all issues that hold a special place in the hearts of Generation Z, with their heightened social and environmental awareness. It is therefore crucial for today's companies to promote CSR and implement the necessary measures. Communicating on these commitments, both internally and externally, represents an effective lever for increasing attractiveness.

The arrival of this new generation of employees on the job market means that companies need to accelerate the digitalization process and make it a fully democratic part of their operations. Cenareo's digital signage player is the perfect answer to this need. Cenareo itself attaches great importance to respect for the environment, and its stand-alone digital signage is an ideal way of communicating CSR in a powerful, attractive and dynamic way.


Want to find out more about digital signage and all the communication solutions offered by Cenareo? Discover them now!



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