Why use video in the onboarding process?

November 12, 2018

Today, 86% of new employees make their decision to leave or stay with the company within the first six months. This figure underlines the importance of onboarding. Let's take a look at the role of video in this process.

Before arrival.

I. Be original.

It's important to prepare for the arrival of your new employee well in advance. You've just checked that the equipment he needs has arrived, that the administrative documents have been signed, and you learn that your company director will not be present when the new employee arrives.

An original way would be to make a video of your manager welcoming the new recruit. Although he may be unavailable, this will show the importance he attaches to his employees, and further engage your new arrival in the integration of your company. You can send him this video on the same day or the day before his arrival.

II. Warn your teams.

As a general rule, when a new employee joins your company, an announcement e-mail is sent to all teams. Bear in mind that your employees receive dozens of e-mails a day, and don't often have or take the time to read yours.

To make sure your entire company is up to speed, you can create a video announcement specifically dedicated to new arrivals. And if you have a weekly internal newsletter, don't hesitate to film the week's events. In video, your employees will attach more importance to what you have to say than in writing.

The day of arrival.

I. Film his arrival.

As soon as they arrive on your premises, if you've organized a breakfast or any other kind of welcome, film it. Sharing an arrival on social networks is always a good way of showing the company's working atmosphere, and will accentuate the attention you pay to your employees.

Don't forget that today, the main criterion for joining a company, after the position offered, is the work atmosphere. This is borne out by the Jobijoba survey, which shows that 80% of the 433 people questioned chose "a good working atmosphere" as the most important criterion for their next employer, over and above salary (53%).

II. Ask him to make a video presentation.

A growing trend on social networks - especially LinkedIn - the employee presentation video has become popular. With formats such as Fast and Curious becoming increasingly popular, it's no longer uncommon to see employee presentations all over the networks.

Why adopt this reflex? Quite simply because it will have an effect both internally and externally.

Internally, all your employees have to do is watch the newcomer's presentation video to find out more about him or her. The effect will be beneficial for your internal communication and for the integration of the new employee.

Externally, you can use this video not only to announce the arrival of a new employee, but also to promote your company. Introduce the person, ask them to talk about their position, and why they chose this company over another. At the end of your video, you can ask them to state the skills they will bring to the table for potential customers, and don't forget to include an e-mail address for interested visitors.

The weeks ahead.

Support him throughout his integration. Remember that the first six months are decisive in his decision to stay or leave the company. Introduce them to the different teams so that they become familiar with them and are not excluded from the group. To do this, encourage group work, as we do.

Every week at EasyMovie, our teams produce weekly summaries. They summarize the various activities and announce future tasks. It's a good way of reinforcing social cohesion, since each team works together to produce these videos, generating information sharing between the different people in the company.

By practicing this activity, he'll find it easier to integrate into his team and appreciate your company more. This in turn will contribute to their desire to stay with your company.

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