How to install your digital signage system?

April 18, 2019
The effort involved in setting up a digital signage system

This article is the second in a series on choosing the network architecture for your digital signage system, If you're new to the concept of digital signage, or unfamiliar with the different architectures that existthen start with this article: Digital Signage: Getting ready. 

→ If you missed the first article, see: Getting ready #1: Equipment

Every digital signage project begins with the installation of the system itself. Indeed, a digital signage system requires physical equipment (players and/or servers), as well as network equipment and software (management, creation, maintenance...). The type of architecture chosen determines the complexity of installation, and the time and effort required to set up the system.

Hosted and hybrid models

In these architectures, it is necessary to equip each screen with a display player before starting to broadcast content. The need for additional network equipment is rare (at the player level), since the client establishment generally implements the infrastructure required to connect the players to the local network (i.e. ethernet sockets close to the display players). One or more servers must also be installed on the network (usually in a server room) and communicate with the players.

While theinstallation of players for players can be quick and easy (depending on the (depending on the service provider chosen), server installation is considerably more complex, especially as it generally involves a considerable amount of configuration, both of the server itself, and of the network that hosts it (router, firewall...).

The service provider cannot intervene remotely, and this set-up often requires collaboration between the supplier (who visits the site) and the technical teams, who have knowledge of the internal network and the necessary authorizations. While the installation of servers is relatively rare (one server can support several players), that of players can be frequent, especially when the park evolves regularly (it is necessary to equip each screen with a new player).

Finally, the software enabling the system to function must be installed on the workstations used by the communicators, who alone will be able to use it. Since the installation of proprietary software is rarely problem-free, the installation effort can be considerable. This procedure is relatively rare, unless software is regularly reinstalled on new workstations (for new communicators).

Save time

SaaS model

Dans cette architecture, il est également nécessaire d'équiper chaque écran d'un player d'affichage avant de commencer à utiliser la solution. La complexité de cette installation dépend évidemment des players choisis (indépendamment du modèle choisi). La configuration des players est néanmoins souvent minimale puisque le prestataire peut intervenir à distance pour réaliser lui-même le paramétrage, lorsqu'il est nécessaire. Certaines infrastructures requièrent l'ajout de matériel de connectivité supplémentaire.

This equipment can be used to connect to a local network or directly to the Internet, via ethernet, Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G... However, there is no server to install or configure, and the software, often available on the Internet via a website, requires no installation. Configuration is often carried out remotely by the service provider, and customers can quickly start using the platform and communicating on their screens.

How will your screen fleet evolve?

Ainsi, l'installation d'un système on-premise (ou hybride) requiert beaucoup plus de temps et d'efforts qu'un modèle SaaS avant d'être fonctionnel. Néanmoins, puisque ces efforts se concentrent lors de l'installation, ils n'apparaissent qu'une seule fois. Suivant la stratégie de l'entreprise et sa propension à augmenter son parc d'écran, seule l'installation des players peut être régulière. Il conviendra alors de choisir un prestataire qui propose des players dont l'installation et la configuration sont simples et rapides.
De plus, quelle que soit le modèle du système, un délai supplémentaire peut être nécessaire si l’entreprise doit manuellement configurer ou autoriser les connexions entrantes et sortantes de chacun des players ou des serveurs (configuration des routeurs, parefeu…). Cette étape est donc également nécessaire à chaque ajout de nouveau player à un écran. En revanche elle n'est nécessaire que si le système d'affichage repose sur le réseau local de l'entreprise et n'est pas isolé sur un réseau local dédié, ou un réseau 3G.
L'architecture d'une solution SaaS est donc souvent plus rapide à mettre en œuvre, moins onéreuse et nécessite moins d'efforts qu'une solution on-premise ou hybride.

See the other articles in this dossier:

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