What is the return on investment for corporate video?

December 13, 2018

"Video is an investment both in terms of budget and time". A phrase our sales people hear regularly. Today, however, video is easy to produce and less expensive, thanks to smartphones. In this article, we'll show you its return on investment and how it can benefit your business.

1. It generates traffic.

Today's world is awash with video. It's used everywhere, whether you're filming a ski run or a trip to Mars. All you need is a camera or a smartphone and you're ready to go! But what do these two uses have in common? They generate traffic to your company page.

When you consider that the average time spent on the Internet in France is four hours and forty-eight minutes a day - according to a study carried out by Hootsuite - and that YouTube is visited more than six hundred and forty-two million times a month, it makes you think. Making video will enable you to attract some of these numerous visitors, plus those present on other social networks.

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2. It increases brand awareness.

One of the main advantages is thatby regularly publishing videos, you increase your brand awareness. It's a fun way for people to get to know you, and for them to discover you. Whether you're making a product presentation video or an employee presentation, they'll get to know you, and you'll encourage them to discover you.

And don't forget that you can't post images on YouTube, which limits the number of possible visitors. With video, you can develop your brand and multiply its use on other platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter.

3. It improves your referencing

One of the best returns on your audiovisual investment is the increase in your search engine rankings. Google-owned YouTube will boost your search rankings for every video you publish.

What's more, when your visitors watch content on your site, the time spent watching that video will improve your rankings, as it indicates that you're bringing relevant content to your audience.

4. It stays in time

And yes, a video published online can be viewed indefinitely. However, you can of course delete it or make it private for various reasons. When you type"illustration plan" on the Internet, you'll normally find three results, each with a different date. This proves that even if you made this video ten years ago, it's still accessible to everyone and can bring you traffic years later.

Finally, since trends evolve, a video dealing with a subject you produced two years ago may be trending four years later. So don't hesitate to shoot new videos and redirect your targets to your old creations.

5. It's an endlessly reusable format

Instead of making one or two videos a year, opt for hundreds. Make your life easier by creating storyboards that you can reuse and save time. The perfect example is the fast and curious format, because all you have to do is change the questions and film only the speakers. This eliminates the need for post-production at the end of filming, so you can publish your video straight after the interview.

At EasyMovie, we make over five hundred videos a year, using storyboards already created in advance. Shooting a video of less than a minute takes us no more than fifteen minutes. If you too would like to shoot your videos on your smartphone without having to worry about post-production, take a look at our website https://www.easy.movie/fr

If you enjoyed our article or have any questions, please don't hesitate to book your time with one of our experts:


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