Internal communications solutions: 7 reasons to use them


Internal communications help to inform, engage and unite a company's employees around shared values. Today, it is essential for maintaining the sometimes neglected link between face-to-face and telecommuting employees. By employing a dedicated internal communications solution, you can optimize your internal communications and achieve significant results. Discover 7 reasons to use one!


What internal communication solutions are available?

Numerous internal communication solutions are used by companies on a daily basis. From team meetings to traditional monthly newsletters, a wide range of oral and written tools can be used at service . Here's an overview of the most commonly used solutions.


Classic internal communication tools

Companies generally use one or more of these 5 internal communication solutions:

  • Paper displays: support has the disadvantage of not prioritizing information. They are not highlighted and their impact remains low;
  • E-mails: this type of communication can tend to exclude certain categories of employees, notably deskless workers and other field staff who often lack a computer or even a professional e-mail box;
  • Newsletters: this tool doesn't always encourage interaction, as information flows in one direction only. Its open rate is also rather disappointing;
  • The intranet: in the final analysis, this is more of a work tool than a real solution for reinforcing internal communication. It remains accessible at all times, but is useful only when consulted, and excludes deskless workers from the outset;
  • The corporate social network: a solution that encourages exchange, but requires the use of a smartphone. But some employees may not feel concerned by this type of tool.

Depending on the audience and content, companies juggle between these internal communication tools to stay relevant. This flexibility takes time, but generates little engagement. Above all, these solutions have the disadvantage of never fully including all team members. Deskless workers, for example, don't have access to most of these tools because of the nature of their job and the place where they work, generally off the company premises. Yet internal communication is only effective when it generates interaction and the support of all employees to bring it to life.


Digital signage: a powerful, unifying internal communications solution

Digital signage is one of the most unifying internal communication solutions available. This technology makes it possible to broadcast a variety of content (videos, photos, presentations, graphics, website pages, slideshows, news feeds from the company's various social networks, RSS feeds, etc.) to an unlimited number of multisite screens and to all employees. Thanks to a dedicated interface, communication teams can manage the publication of multimedia content on a wide range of tools.

The Cenareo multi-channel internal communications solution integrates with the company's digital workplace (intranet, collaborative tools such as Microsoft Teams, Facebook Workplace or Google Workspace, the corporate social network...) to relay campaigns on all screens (one-to-many at the point of sale and in the office, and one-to-one screens on employees' PCs and smartphones). In the age of hybrid working, employees working from home or in the field can be sure of being reached by content thanks to mobile integration, for total digital inclusion of all company employees. Screen-based communication is perfectly suited to all corporate objectives, whatever the size of the business:

  • Inform all on-site, telecommuting and field employees in real time;
  • Improve the productivity of all teams;
  • Modernize the company's brand image;
  • Enhance your employer brand ;
  • Generate feedback ;
  • Increase team interest;
  • Deliver engaging, relevant content.

The Cenareo internal communications solution is much more than just software, it's a true partner in delivering a unique, engaging and inclusive employee experience. It transforms every screen into a powerful, interactive and attractive communication channel, at service .


7 reasons to use an internal communications solution


What are the advantages of implementing a new dedicated solution, when everything seems to work so well with a monthly newsletter and a corporate social network? Discover the 7 reasons to use an internal communications solution.

1. Centralize all information in a single tool

With a single solution dedicated to internal communications, it's possible to centralize all information in a single tool. This means that all employees, whether in the office, telecommuting or in the field, have access to the same level of information, simultaneously, in real time and, above all, without discrimination. So there's no risk of spreading yourself too thinly, which boosts the effectiveness of your campaign and the power of your message tenfold.

2. Optimize your time

Mobilizing several channels (display, e-mail, newsletter...) means adapting the same message in different ways. This is time-consuming work, requiring a large number of tasks to be multiplied. By using an internal communications solution, you can distribute a relevant message just once to the employees concerned. This saves considerable time, which can be put to good use on other projects!

3. Gaining in immediacy and relevance

With conventional internal communication tools, updates require a great deal of time. With a dedicated internal communications solution, content can be updated easily, at any time and, above all, in no time at all, from a smartphone, tablet or computer. In this way, in-house communication remains relevant and relevant at all times, for impactful, tailor-made communication.

4. Encourage upward and downward communication

Traditional internal communications management is often more akin to a top-down transmission process - from top management to employees - than to a strategy that encourages exchange. On the contrary, a dedicated internal communications solution encourages bottom-up communication, as the tool has the power to involve; employees are invited to feed back information and interact. This creates a virtuous two-way flow of communication, improving the way in which employees' opinions are taken into account and top management adapts.

5. Focus on substance rather than form

Thanks to a dedicated internal communications solution, you can concentrate on the essentials and add real value to the content intended for your teams. The time saved is considerable with a fast, intuitive and flexible tool, as it allows you to focus on the essentials, such as developing your internal communications strategy or analyzing the performance of your campaigns.

6. Engage and create interaction

Internal communication isn't just about optimizing upward and downward communication, it's also about interaction. It is also designed to encourage horizontal communication by placing all employees on the same level, and must encourage everyone to use the tool as much as possible, to make it live and to exchange. It's easy to achieve these results with a dedicated internal communications solution, rather than by multiplying the number of uninviting media.

7. Measure the effectiveness of your actions

The best indicator for assessing the effectiveness of an internal communications solution? It's important that employees make it their own. If they use the solution regularly, it's a success. That's how you can maximize the reach of your publications, and therefore the efficiency of your internal communications. With a dedicated solution, it's easy to find out what employees think of a given piece of content: statistics can be extracted on the number of views and shares. In this way, teams of communicators can analyze which content works and which doesn't, to quickly adjust their strategy and stay relevant.

Talk Lecko Cenareo Pathways to innovation 2021 (5)

The Cenareo solution is an intuitive, flexible and easy-to-use multi-channel internal communications software that adapts to your company's objectives. It responds to the new challenges of mobility in the workplace, and enables you to include all your teams in the drive for greater performance, growth and internal cohesion. Your in-house communication has never been so attractive and contextualized: Cenareo is based on your existing tools and can be rapidly deployed on all the screens in your fleet.

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