Synchronize your devices for multi-screen content delivery

April 18, 2019

Screen synchronization is used to broadcast multimedia content to screens via software. It applies in particular todigital signage installations, and is the subject of this post. If you're not familiar with the concept of digital signage, take a look at our article on understanding digital signage.


Although it has several meanings (each provider makes the term "synchronization" its own), the term "screen synchronization" generally refers to the ability to deliver content to multiple screens that share a common time scale. The content can be identical or different, as required. In this case, content is displayed at the same time using digital signage software(in the case of more elaborate visual scenarios, broadcast triggers may differ). It is this definition that will be considered in the remainder of this article.

Synchronous content can be broadcast using a variety of systems. However, not all of them are suitable for all types of screen synchronization: the technical choice must therefore be made in accordance with the desired rendering objectives. The main types of synchronization are listed below, and detailed in the rest of the article, after a reminder of commonly installed devices.


Different screen installation techniques

Most of the installations used can be summed up in the 4 cases illustrated below.

Dynamic display: One player, multiple outputs

All screens are connected directly to the player. Although this solution is easy to install and requires only one player, most players have a limited number of video outputs. They are also expensive.

Dynamic display: The splitter

All screens are connected to a "splitter", which in turn is connected to the player. The splitter duplicates the player's content via numerous video outputs, and has the advantage of being able to be chained. They are also relatively inexpensive.

All screens are chained together, and the first is connected to the player. The screens must be identical and offer this functionality. The screens must also be close enough together to avoid excessive cable length, which could reduce image quality.


Each screen is connected to a different player. By communicating with each other, the players synchronize the content on each screen. This solution implies having as many players as screens, which can be costly, depending on the players used.

→ Read the example of VandB synchronizing 110 screens for the surprise announcement of its Music Festival!

Identical synchronization (cloned, replicated, duplicated, etc.)

In this installation, the same content is replicated as many times as there are screens equipped. Each piece of content is shown simultaneously on the equipped screens.

Identical synchronization of digital signage screens

In the same way that a laptop can replicate its content identically on an additional screen, it is possible to replicate the same content on several screens located nearby. The screens thus configured display exactly the same content at exactly the same time.

For optimum image quality, the resolution of the original content must be equal to that of the screen offering the best resolution.

This configuration offers little interest when used on a wall of screens, since the content is repeated as many times as there are screens. On the other hand, it is frequently used in stations and shopping malls, where multi-sided totems are commonplace.

The faces of the totems, or even all the screens in a zone, are synchronized identically, displaying the same content at the same time (for example, checkout lines in a supermarket). This configuration offers the advantage of being able to share the broadcast player between several screens, thus increasing the surface area without increasing the number of display players required.

The most common installations for this type of synchronization are :

  • A player with numerous video outputs
  • A splitter that duplicates the signal
  • A chain of screens
  • A player behind every screen


Extended synchronization

In this installation, content is fragmented into as many parts as there are screens equipped. Each fragment of content is broadcast simultaneously on the screens. Together, the screens reform the initial content. The layout of the screens therefore plays an important role.

Extended screen synchronization

In the same way that a laptop can extend its content onto an additional screen, it is possible to fragment content onto several adjacent screens. The screens thus configured display part of the same content at exactly the same time.

For optimum image quality, the resolution of the original content must be such that it is possible to "pick out" distinct parts with a resolution at least equal to that of the screen displaying the content fragment. (For 4 1080p screens, original content in 4K is recommended.) What's more, screens need to be close to each other, and thespace between screens needs to be tight for the rendering to be ideal.

This configuration is widely used for screen walls. The content is then broadcast over a large surface, increasing its visibility. The screens can be played with to match the decor, or to make the most of the video's features. This installation is often acclaimed for the gigantic scale of the images broadcast, the resulting animation of the site and the crowds it attracts.

The most common installations for this type of synchronization are :

  • A player with numerous video outputs
  • A chain of screens
  • A player behind every screen


Hybrid synchronization (multi-channel)

In this installation, several different pieces of content, generally of the same duration, are shown simultaneously on the equipped screens. This may be radically different content, content relating to the same theme, or parts of the same original content.

Dynamic multi-channel screen synchronization

This configuration can be used to attract attention, with giant content displayed on all screens, followed by multiple contents, each displayed on a screen and broadcasting other information. Used in stations, this system can be used to display promotional or informational content on all screens (giant content), followed by the departure, arrival or delays of the next trains.

Hybrid digital signage synchronization

The most common installations for this type of synchronization are :

  • a player with numerous video outputs
  • screen chaining
  • a player behind every screen


Interactive synchronization

In this installation, screens broadcast content, synchronized or not, of the same duration or not. And on request (connected button, smartphone, url call, API...), content (replicated or fragmented) is broadcast on all or some of the equipped screens.

Interactive screen synchronization

Perfect for attracting attention thanks to the possibility of equipping walls with screens, this installation also makes it possible to involve an audience who, as actors in triggering the broadcast, will be more receptive to the messages displayed. This installation enables triggers (connected buttons, user smartphones via QR Code, for example) to be used as remote controls. This remote control makes it possible to control the display of content on multiple screens, and thus to synchronize screens on demand. In addition to the advantages of screen walls, this device adds the benefits ofinteractivity.


Discover Cenareo software for multi-screen content

Our digital signage software offers an intuitive, scalable Saas solution perfectly suited to the needs of communications professionals in all sectors: POS, internal communications, hospitality and DOOH.

Sound Player for digital signage Plug & Play connects any screen in seconds, and the rest happens online. From a web interface, it's possible toadd images, videos or documents from your computer, or to create them via a content creation tool developed for the digital signage system.Third-party applications can also beintegrated to broadcast external content in real time or not.

The interactive synchronization technology developed by Cenareo makes it possible to trigger synchronized content on a wall of screens, instantly and on demand. A temperature sensor, a connected button, or a QR Code scan can trigger the broadcast of content on a wall of screens, in less than a few seconds...



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