Weather-reactive internal communication to improve engagement

March 15, 2019

Because the weather affects our emotions, internal communications need to use its data (then a reliable component of the influence of our behavior) as an excellent means of maximizing the impact of messages. Before going any further, find out more about meteo-reactive campaigns applied to digital signage!

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Communicate better under the sun!

The weather influences our habits, our behavior, our emotions and our decisions. Because they have so much influence, weather conditions need to be integrated into communications, in particular to match the content broadcast with the state of mind (already in place because conditioned by the current weather) of employees. In this way, the "viewer" of the screen has access to the information that interests him/her at the moment when he/she needs it: the message is "in-context". The message is then better perceived and retained, generating greater impact and commitment.


Internal communications at just the right time!

Weather-responsive campaigns are a way of attuning messages to the environment. Indeed, by adding broadcast conditions to messages, it becomes easy to restrict the times at which they are broadcast, and therefore better control the environment in which they will be seen. For example, Patrick works in the communications department of a major hotel chain. The management has entered into a partnership with the French road safety organization, Sécurité Routière, to raise awareness of the need for employees to be careful on the roads. Patrick creates visuals to encourage caution on rainy days, and plans to broadcast his content on all screens at head office and in the "back offices" of each hotel, only on rainy days. Thus, hotels hit by rain will see the prevention message displayed on their screens, and only during the rainy period. Employees will only have access to this prevention message when it is useful in the surrounding context: it therefore gains in impact. Obviously, Patrick is integrating this operation into a more global project, as he knows that weather forecasts can sometimes be capricious and lack precision!


Weather-Reactive-Road safety


Autonomous internal communication depending on the weather!

Weather-responsive campaigns can also be used to plan communication that can be autonomous over a large number of screens or over a long period. For example, Bruno works in the communications department of a major insurance company, and is a member of an in-house club promoting sporting and cultural activities among colleagues. With his club, Bruno has agreed on a way of working: every Thursday when the weather is fine, participants will go outside to try their hand at soccer. In bad weather, they'll try their hand at Tarot, indoors. Thanks to reactive weather campaigns, Bruno is able to plan his communication recurrently and in advance, so that he doesn 't need to manually modify the campaigns on the screens. Thus, from Monday to Wednesday, Bruno communicates on his screens a message indicating Thursday's activity (obviously probable: it's a forecast!). On Thursday, the message is definitive: this is the evening's activity. All participants are reminded of their activities, and Bruno saves time in his screen communication.

Weather conditions can also be used to improve content legibility. For example, rainy or snowy days are often darker than sunny ones. On such days, it can be interesting to switch broadcasts to less bright (or less contrasty) versions, to reduce visual aggression and make messages easier to read. Alternatively, only the background image of the content can be changed, to blend in better with the current environment.

Other examples of content and ideas to empower your screen communication.


Cenareo offers a digital signage solution that enables brands to tell their stories. Its intuitive, scalable Saas solution is perfectly adapted to the needs of communications professionals in all sectors of activity: Point of sale, Internal communications, Hotels and Restaurants but also DOOH.


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