Brand experience: 5 steps to successful brand building

November 6, 2023

In today's commercial landscape, product or service quality alone is no longer enough to ensure customer loyalty. Today, what really counts is the brand experience, a complex but essential concept for building a lasting relationship with consumers. Let's explore what brand experience means, what's at stake, and how to build your own brand experience.


What is brand experience?

Brand experience refers to a customer's interaction with a brand at all levels. It includes both the customer experience and the perceived image, through all the feelings, emotions and perceptions that emanate directly or indirectly from this interaction. It's a sum of both palpable and intangible impressions that creates an emotional bond with the brand, and which materializes in customer preference and loyalty.


In the context of a mutual insurance company for seniors, brand experience could refer to the ability to help members feel secure and supported in the face of health issues specific to their age group. A brand experience that meets these expectations can generate strong, lasting loyalty.


Building your brand experience

Building an effective brand experience is no easy task. It requires a deep understanding of customers' needs and desires, as well as the ability to anticipate and respond to these needs in a creative and authentic way.


1. Listen to and understand customer needs

It's imperative to start by understanding customer needs and expectations. This data can be gathered by conducting surveys, organizing focus groups, or analyzing customer feedback.


2. Identify consumer contact points

Identifying the points of contact with consumers during their purchasing journey is crucial to the brand experience. These points of contact can be physical, such as a store, online, such as a website or social networks, or digital, via a dynamic outdoor display for example. Today, digital offers companies even more possible points of contact with consumers. These interactions are the subject of a real strategy, and represent ideal opportunities to assert brand identity and deepen the relationship with the consumer.


3. Create a unique value proposition

The value proposition is what the brand offers its customers to satisfy their needs. This goes beyond the simple product or service, and includes aspects such as customer service, advice, support and so on. The experiences you offer consumers are part of your value proposition.


4. Highlight its raison d'être and history

Showcasing a brand's purpose and story plays a pivotal role in building a brand experience. You'll need to produce authentic content to communicate your values, ambitions and story to your target audience. This enables consumers to understand the company's values and creates an emotional connection, fostering engagement, loyalty and a sense of belonging to the brand.


5. Constant innovation

Maintaining a strong brand experience requires constant innovation. This can include improving products and services, developing new modes of communication and deploying new advertising, marketing and communications campaigns, or creating new services that respond to changing customer needs.


The challenges of brand experience

Why is brand experience so important? It directly influences the customer's perception of and relationship with the brand. A good experience can build loyalty, while a bad one can turn a customer away forever.


Creating an emotional bond

Creating an emotional bond between a brand and a consumer is a major challenge for the brand experience, because the relationship that is created goes beyond the simple commercial transaction. It is with this in mind that the brand must convey values, promises and benefits that will instill a positive image in the consumer's mind and fuel a certain form of affectivity towards the brand. Through the emotional involvement it generates, it provides consumers with an opportunity to identify with and distinguish themselves, or to satisfy certain countless desires, such as the need to belong, social recognition, comfort, security and so on. It's a powerful lever for building loyalty and creating value for the company. Once the emotional bond has been created, consumers tend to develop a marked preference for the brand's products, disregarding alternatives, even if the latter might seem more rational or advantageous. This not only strengthens the brand's positioning, but also increases the company's growth potential, as a satisfied customer emotionally linked to a brand will tend to praise it among his peers. They thus become brand ambassadors, generating positive word-of-mouth and, indirectly, additional sales.


Stand out from the competition

In a highly competitive industry, brand experience can be a powerful differentiation tool. By offering a personalized, empathetic and respectful experience, you can distinguish yourself from competitors, attract and retain a customer base. What sets a brand apart is its identity and personality, which can be conveyed through a variety of marketing elements. Moreover, brand differentiation strengthens brand awareness and market positioning, which can lead to increased sales and market share. This is why, in the strategic development of any brand, particular attention must be paid to the creation and maintenance of strong, meaningful differentiation elements that enhance the brand experience. 

Brand experience is an essential element in a company's success. It has the power to create unwavering loyalty, differentiate from the competition, and attract new customers. It is therefore essential to invest time and effort in building and optimizing the brand experience.



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